Chapter 20

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Skye quickly got up from her spot, rushing to her friend's side. She was barely able to catch the girl before she fell. At least she hadn't hit the ground... She examined the huge wound on her stomach. She didn't know any medical things. All she knew was that... it was bad. And there was not much that she could do about it. Why? Why did it have to be Kaya, the first person she ever met in this place? Skye would've done anything to take her friend's place. However, she couldn't change the past. All she could do was watch her friend take her final... no, she was going to survive. They were both going to survive, she had to stop being negative. This was just another-

"You know, Skye, you don't have to cry," Kaya's weak voice croaked. And then she laughed. It was full of innocence and was so pure... how could Tom have done such a horrible act? Kaya of all people... she was like the sun that warmed a cold day, the fire pit when there was a blizzard outside, the warmth that you had after drinking a nice cup of hot cocoa. "I'm okay. I knew it was bound to come sooner or later. At least you're by my side."

"No, Kaya," Skye said in between sobs. "You're going to survive, okay? Just like me. We're both going to survive. I have to get you a drink, remember? I promised you I'd get you a drink after all of this was over. You can't leave me... How else am I going to fulfill that promise for you?"

Kaya smiled. "Oh, you're still going to get us both a drink. I guess I just won't be there to share it with you."

Skye shook her head, still trying to come up with excuses for her to live.

"Before I die," Kaya said, interrupting Skye's thoughts, "here's your journal. I grabbed it for you before the whole place burned down. Also... Can I ask you a question? Can you do me a favor?"

"Anything," Skye said, still looking down at her friend.

"Take my journal. And when you're ready, you can read it. Just don't lose it like you always lose yours. I won't be there to get it for you, Love."

Kaya stopped speaking, coughing up blood that she was choking on.

"Stay with me, Kaya. Stay with me," Skye said, choking on her own sobs.

"You were the best friend a person could ever ask for, Skye. You did a lot for me, gave me a reason to live. You know that? Thank you, Skye. Thank you so much. You're the best."

She smiled one last time, and then took in her last breath. Then she lay lifeless, her eyes closed. It was like she was sleeping. Skye slowly rose, looked around for a moment, and then grabbed the knife Tom had used. Staring down at her friend's lifeless figure for a moment, she whispered, "I'm going to avenge you, Kaya. I swear it."

As she backed away from her lifeless body, she almost had a heart attack. There, there stood the figure. It was still blurred, so she couldn't see its face. However, for some reason, it seemed more familiar than ever right now.

"What do you want. Do you want to kill me? Go ahead," Skye yelled at it, daring it to come closer. She was tired of all of this. If anything, she wanted it to kill her already. Then everything would be over, and she wouldn't have to worry about a thing.

You lost all your hope, I see... the figure began. Why? Because you lost a friend? So what, you're going to give up already? That is not the person you are. You are hardwired for trouble; you can survive almost anything.

"How do you know?" Skye said, rolling her eyes as she crossed her arms.

I know you better than you know yourself, at the current moment. Remember, I looked into your head? I knew from the very beginning there was something special about you. You're different from other human beings, you know. Stronger than most.

"Shut up," Skye spat. "I've had enough of this already. I just want it all to be over."

Are you really sure? If you want, I can tell you a big secret that nobody would ever try to tell you. It is why I am weakening, really.

"Why would I want to know that? That's your problem, not mine. I don't care about any of this stupid nonsense. Besides, you killed Gloria. Doesn't that mean you're my enemy as well?"

Ahh, but you see, didn't you just swear that you would avenge your friend? Like I mentioned before, are you ready to give up already? You haven't even gotten to the hardest part: Actually killing the one who killed her. Sure, you have grabbed a knife and vowed revenge. However, this is nothing compared to actually killing an individual. I can help you, though. I can help you kill this boy that calls himself Tom. All you have to do is do something for me in return. That is all I am asking.

Skye didn't respond, so the figure continued.

They were controlling me, up until now.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

You don't.

"Then... what do you want in return?"

Come closer to me, child. I will show you something. I want revenge on those that put me in this state. It is painful for me. But if you just let me combine forces with you, I will no longer be pained like this, and you will heal easily.

"What do you mean?" Skye asked, suddenly intrigued by their statements.

I mean, it began, walking closer and closer until it was facing Skye fully, that I will enter your mind. Once I settle, I will eventually fade away.

Skye didn't know if she should believe the figure or not. However, she could somehow tell it was telling the truth. So how could they connect? How would they connect. When would they do that?

Come, it whispered for the first time instead of hissing. For the first time, it began to slowly unblur itself, so that it mirrored her image.

She cautiously approached it, ready to kill it at any moment if it came to it.

When she was close enough, as fast as lightning, the figure put its fingers on her temples and began to melt into fog, The fog now surrounding her began to fade until it was gone.

All her memories came back. And she could feel new memories combining. She gained two points of views of every situation they had both been in. Looking around, she soon realized her senses were enhanced, her body was much better. And the best part: she could walk without any pain. She was okay, fully healed from every injury.

She understood everything. She knew about her past. She knew about her and Joseph's relationship.

I understand, she thought to herself.

Soon, I will completely fade away. However, you will stay forever. Take revenge for you friend. Now that I have taken mine, I am satisfied. All you have to do is kill the boy who calls himself Tom. Perhaps you will get to live a normal life.

"Let's go kill that dumbass that calls himself Tom," Skye hissed.

There was one thing that was better than killing a person like him:


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