Chapter 17

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Skye was once again in the same room, as a little girl, being chased by wolves. And then it shifted to the scene of the wolves trying to get her while she hid below a table as shattered shards of glass rained above her. She was trying to protect her head. However, the dream shifted. It was almost as if someone was giving her a movie to watch.

She was watching two figures talking, although their voices were spoken in a different language. French, maybe. She walked around them, but they acted as if they didn't notice her. The weird thing was, she saw that one of the figure's faces were hers, of course she was only a teenager here, and the other belonged to Joseph. Joseph had sorrow in his eyes, complete despair, as if he were confessing a secret that he had never told her until now. She could see her eyes welling up with tears until she chased Joseph, yelling at him, until she stopped running and slipped onto her knees as she sobbed. The rain had drenched her, so that her short blond hair came down in clumps.

Her mouth opened, and immediately a scream came out of her lips. She let it roam free, screaming her heart out and letting all her sorrow come out. It was bad to keep it in. Best to take it out when you were by yourself. However, why she was crying in this scene, she had no idea. All she knew was that it was something very bad, if she was crying this much.

She was startled back to reality when she felt someone shaking her, whispering, "Skye, get up! Hurry, something's happening."

She opened her eyes, and seeing Kaya in front of her, quickly got up. It was most likely urgent, considering the fact that Kaya wasn't the type to wake her up for no reason. Looking around to see if something was out of place, she was relieved to see that nobody was missing, and the blurry figure in the room. However, for some reason, everyone had the same terrified look on their faces.

"What's wrong?" Skye asked, setting herself upright so that she could actually see what was going on.

"The figure," Kaya's weak voice croaked. It was cracking as she explained. In fact, it was cracking so much she couldn't understand anything her best friend was saying.

"Kaya, are you okay? Is everyone okay?" she asked, her voice growing worrisome.

Joseph responded this time, probably sensing that Kaya couldn't explain in the state that she was in. She could barely keep herself sitting while shaking. How could she explain something that was terrifying her this much?

"The figure..." Joseph began, then shook his head. He was nervous... he couldn't find it in himself to explain to her. However, he continued on. "The blurry figure is outside the room right now," before she could say anything, he continued, probably sensing her question, "and no, it hasn't come into the room. But it wants... it wants us to sacrifice a member of the team so that we can all escape alive. Otherwise, he's going to kill us all... Most of us agreed that we're not going to sacrifice anyone."

At this point, he glared at 23, who's lip was quivering. The boy was on edge, turning his head almost every second. It was almost as if he was trying to make sure that he wouldn't be jump scared by the figure.

Clutching her journal, she looked longingly at it. This may be the last time she would ever see it. As they all paced the floors, Skye decided to ask Joseph a quick question about the figure. "How long do we have until... well, until you know..."

Joseph sighed as he explained, "Until the figure decides its been long enough. So for all we know, he could come into the room right now and burn the place to the ground. He just didn't specify, probably trying to intimidate us even more. I don't know, I've been thinking about going out myself. Maybe it could save us all... I'm not sure yet."

Humanity: Project X - 160Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon