Chapter 9

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"When is this weirdo leaving?" Benjamin says while sharpening his knife on a piece of leather.

"I don't know, and that weirdo has ended more lives than I can count." I don't understand why, but I have some sympathy for Lilith. She and I have both lost our mothers in the Great War. Queen Sallete and my mother fought alongside each other as allies, that's why this potential alliance means so much to me.

My mother would be proud.

"Well, do you have any idea of how long she plans on being here?"

"Nope." I say, "I don't think I'd hate it if she stayed for the week—"
"No. No. Absolutely not," Benjamin shakes his head. His straight, short black hair is sticking to his forehead, his lips pursed.

"Why not? I'd like to get to know my newest alliance."
"Possible alliance. She's not on our side yet. She could kill all of us right now if she wanted. You know the amount of power she wields."

I must look like I don't know, because Benjamin elaborates, "Arwan– she's a shadow wielder."
There's no possible chance. Shadow wielders are completely unheard of or off the record. I'm gaping at Benjamin. "There's no way. Shadow wielders are viewed as defective. How is Asmen's queen–" I pause then recollect my thoughts quickly, "a defect?" I'm in disbelief. I'm convinced Benjamin is lying.
He shrugs and puts his knife back into his side sheath, "I don't know. You're the 'all-knowing and wise king of Korgon'," he says sarcastically.

"For starters," I say calmly, stifling a small chuckle, "I know little to nothing about a lot. Secondly," I lean against the stone wall behind me, standing opposite Benjamin, "I became king two years ago and have not done a single beneficial thing for Korgon. So... yeah. How's that for 'all-knowing and wise'?"

He chuckles, "Pathetic."

"Yeah," I agree. I return to our original topic. "So– Lilith?"
His face returns to its stern state, "What about her?"

"What exactly can she do with shadows? Like, do they work for her, or do they work with her?"

Benjamin stiffens and crosses his arms, "I don't know exactly, but I do know she has some serious issues with some shadows."

I'm confused now. "What do you mean?"

He takes a deep breath, "Like, some of the shadows have tried to kill her, multiple times in a week."

My eyes widen in shock and I manage to say, "Your own wields can do that?"

"Surprisingly, yeah. But it's super rare. She was literally born to kill. You better watch yourself around that one," he taps my shoulder and starts to walk off.

"Wait," I have more questions and I want more answers.

Benjamin turns around and reluctantly says, "Phillips, I have places to be. Morgan needs me right now, so I don't have time for this right now. After I'm done helping my sister, I'll talk to you later." He pauses then asks, "Is that alright? Because even if it's not, I need to leave."

I nod and say, "Yeah– yeah. That's alright."

He turns around, meets my eyes, and says, "Arwan," he pauses.

"Hm?" I look up, looking at his bright green eyes.

"Be careful. She's psycho."

"Just a little bit," A random voice appears. My heart stops. Time stops. Everything stills and goes silent.


Benjamin is gaping, I'm stiff and looking at Lilith. She stands in the doorway wearing a tight-fitting navy ball gown that flows into a pattern of waves to the floor. Her dark brown hair is pulled into a sleek ponytail.

Lilith stands eerily still and says playfully, "Don't get all quiet. I was enjoying this conversation." She says calmly, and well-spoken, "Arwan," I glance up, "to answer your question. No, my own wields shouldn't be able to assassinate me. But because my wield is unheard of and unknown, they do unheard of and unknown things. That being said," she pauses and thinks before continuing, "They work with me, not for me. I try to make it a partnership or an alliance. Not a job. The shadows tell me when there are rumored assassination attempts, planned crimes, treason, basically anything that disrespects me or the throne."

Lilith turns to look at Benjamin, who is standing so still almost as if a shadow will come out of nowhere and snap his neck, "And Mr.Hayes, I have reasons in which I don't expect you to understand for killing off one-third of Asmen's population. You may deem me cruel, which is perfectly fine, but I suggest you don't speak on matters which you will never understand. And it is my hope that you never have to."
Benjamin looks like he's about to say something stupid but instead says, "My apologies, Queen Lilith. I had no intentions to offend you–"
"You didn't offend me. You had questions. I had answers. Simple." She says this so peacefully, with a smile on her face. Benjamin might be right. She seems psycho.

Benjamin makes the dumb choice to speak again, "Your majesty, I have one more question."
Lilith frowns now, "What is it?"

Benjamin asks slowly, "How– how did you know my last name?"

She shrugs and says softly, "The shadows– know more than you think."
Lilith turns around, ready to leave before she goes. She looks over her shoulder and says to me, "I'll be in my room, whenever you're ready to discuss what I came here to."

All of a sudden darkness surrounds the floor below her. Benjamin and I glance at each other as Lilith walks out with a trail of darkness right behind her.

This is the moment I realize, I have no clue who or what I could be dealing with and trying to ally with. My mother knew Sallete, but Lilith appears to be nothing like her mother. Benjamin was also right about something else.

I will have to be careful with this one.

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