Chapter 25

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Dorion refused to answer how he knew Caleb, but I am going to assume that it has something to do with us having the same wield.

I left him in the castle basement with open wounds that I refused to clean, unless he told me how he's associated with Caleb. However, he's playing the long game and is trying to use this information as leverage.

It's working.

I am desperate to find answers and he knows this. But I won't vocalize it.

As I step into the steaming hot bath in my room, I focus on the feel of the water on my skin, the smell of lavender hitting my nose, and not on everything going wrong right now.

I lay my head back on the stone tub's ledge and close my eyes. I feel my hair being soaked in warmth and my body feels lighter.

"Caleb?" I ask randomly.

"I'm here. What do you need?" He sounds annoyed.

"Why didn't you show up when Dorion was trying to attack me?"

"When you guys use your powers, you're exerting me. Which made it extremely difficult to contact you both, when I was practically fighting myself."

So, my power is not my own? I share it with Dorion? And my power is Caleb in the meta-physical? I swear, everything in my life started going wrong the second I visited Korgon.

I ask Caleb, "How does Dorion speak to you?"

"The same way you speak to me. You both wield shadows and I am in charge of the shadow wielders— which would be two at the moment. Therefore, it is my job to protect both of you. Even when you try to kill each other."

My eyes snap open and I quickly remember I am in the bath. I ask, worriedly, "So Dorion and I need to not kill each other, because if we do— it hurts you?"


"Was he given these... directions, as well?"

"Yes. I've already spoken to him."


"After you interrogated him and failed. Now go help him. He's losing blood."

"Caleb— I don't think I shou—"
"Lilith, if he dies... so do you."

I begin to panic. What is he talking about? How would that even work?

"What? How?"

"If his power dies, so does mine. If I die, so do you."


"We are but dust and shadows... remember?"

My tattoo.

I got it because I assumed it had no meaning other than that I am nothing but power. But as I grow I am beginning to learn that great power must have a great weakness. And it seems as though mine is named Dorion Blackford.

"He won't tell me anything, Caleb. How am I supposed to trust someone like that?"

"I'll talk to him, but you need to do your part."

"And that is?"

"Right now, it's to go down there and stop his bleeding because he's not doing well."
"Why can't you? You healed my previous wounds two days ago."

"Because, you guys and your childish arguments used quite a bit of my energy."

"You call him trying to kill me, because my mother had an affair with his father... childish?"

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