Chapter 16

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"So, basically you freaked out over nothing?"

"No, not nothing." I press my index finger and thumb to the bridge of my nose and say," Morgan, you don't understand what she was saying without actually saying it."

Her hair is swept to her shoulder in an intricate braid and travels all the way down past her chest. Morgan's bright blue eyes widen at my words and she places a hand on her hip. "Okay, Arwan. Tell me. What did she mean," she taunts, "because if I am correctly understanding this story, you threw a royal tantrum because Lilith the queen of freaking Asmen for Christ's sake, didn't want to stay in your kingdom and wants nothing more than superficial work with you—"

"That's not–" I attempt to interrupt.

Morgan holds a pausing hand up and continues, "and because you have some serious unresolved rejection issues, you freaked out and shouted and were about to insult our continent's craziest and biggest killer."

I let the bitter taste of her words seep into my mind and I breathe heavily before saying reluctantly, "You're right." I honestly don't feel like arguing, I'm extremely exhausted and Morgan has the capability to argue for days on end. However, Morgan does have a point.

When I was twelve years old, my father had left my mother and I in the middle of the night. There was nothing in the palace left of him except a one word note on their bed. The note simply said, Goodbye.

He was too dumb and mentally immature to have a wife, let alone a child, so it's most likely for the better that he left.

When I was thirteen, my mother told me the reason he left was because he wanted no part of royalty or the crown. He didn't want to be the King of Korgon. He didn't want to be a husband. He didn't want to be a father. As a young boy, to hear those words as matter-of-factly was world ruining. However, as a young man it taught me that my father was less than half the man I am now. But how I just acted might make people think otherwise.

"Did King Arwan Phillips of Korgon, just—," Morgan takes a dramatic pause and places a hand on her chest and gasps, her eyes widen, "admit I, a simple damsel–,"

I laugh and interrupt, "You're far from just a damsel."

She smiles and raises her eyebrows. Morgan counters, "Then what exactly am I, Mr.Phillips?"

I return a smile and reply, "Uh– you are my best friend. You're like my little sister–" her smile fades and she appears to be listening more closely. Morgan crosses her arms across her chest and nods to signal me to keep going. "You are the leader of Korgon's army. You're the bravest person I've ever known. You love what you do and who you work with," I smirk and say sarcastically, "especially me. Right?"

She uncrosses her arms and playfully shoves me, "Yeah right. You're a royal pain in the—"

Before she can finish her though, I playfully grab her wrist and pull Morgan towards me. She stumbles into my arms and I wrap my arms behind her neck in a tight hug as she attempts to squirm out, "Oh, calm down. You're fine."

She stops fighting and hugs me back loosely, "I hate you," she mumbles into my chest. I laugh and ruffle her hair as I lean down to whisper in her ear, "Apologize for calling me a bother and I'll let you go."

Morgan leans back to meet my eyes, "And if I don't?" she asks with an annoying smirk.

"You'll be put on suspension and Benjamin will have to take your place," I counter with a wide smile.

Her eyes thin and she warns, "You wouldn't dare."

"I would." I lean into her face even closer, "Apologize, Morgan, and all is forgiven."

She inches her face away from mine and grabs my forearms in a small attempt to slip away, "I'm sorry, Arwan," she says reluctantly.

I give Morgan a soft smile and release her, "Why, thank you, Morgan."

The second my arms unlock, she rushes out of them and dusts her hands on her thighs. I give a small chuckle as she scrambles awkwardly toward the door, "In quite the rush, there, Morgie."

Her eyes narrow and she points a finger at me, while propping the door open with the toe of her leather boot, "Don't. You. Dare, call me that," she laughs at the word "dare" during her attempt to be intimidating.

I place a hand on my hip and tilt my head, "Or what?"

Morgan laughs and glances to the floor and meets my eyes, "Or... I'll tell Lilith what your super secret wield is."

"She already knows," I say with a small smile tugging the corner of my mouth. I quickly realize I should've never told Morgan about Lilith's new found knowledge about me.

Morgan's eyes widen and her jaw drops open and she stalks towards me like an angry parent, "You what?"

"It was attractive! She got all in my face and she showed me her wields and we started talking—,"

She shouts, "I don't give a—"

"Oh, someone's in trouble," Benjamin's voice appears behind Morgan as he leans against the door frame.

Morgan turns to face her brother, "Your old buddy Arwan, decided it was a great idea to tell Lilith-freaking-Adler, what his wield is. Tell me I'm not the crazy one here!"

Benjamin glares between Morgan and I before looking at Morgan and says, "You're the crazy one."

"What?" Morgan's eyes widen and her jaw practically hits the floor as she moves closer to her brother.

"You heard me. Morgs, Arwan needs a woman and we've seen how difficult that's been—,"

I interrupt, "It has not been diffi—,"

Benjamin turns quickly to me, "Okay, just shut up, Arwan. I am trying to save you from a lifetime of annoyance." He turns back to Morgan, who rolls her eyes in lack of interest, "Morgs, if Arwan does something, has he not always done it for a reason?"

She considers this, "I guess, but what does that have to do with anyth—,"

"Just listen," he stops her with a pausing hand, "Just—," Benjamin glares at me from the corner of his eye and back to Morgan, "Let's just see what happens and trust the Almighty King of Korgon."

I chuckle at this, because Benjamin loves making jokes about my position and it feels nice to have a bit of pressure the title causes, lifted.

Benjamin waits for Morgan's response, and when she replies it's nothing short of a relief, "Alright, I guess. Don't make me regret this."

Benjamin says, "Alright, hot hands lets get a drink."

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