Chapter 24

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I hate her.

I hate her stupid kingdom.

I hate how she walks around as if she owns the whole damn world.

I hate ho—


Morgan's calm voice snaps me out of my daze.

My head snaps in her direction, "Uh—" I clear my throat, "Yes, Morgs? Do you need something?"

She scratches her head and stares up at me with her deep blue hooded eyes. "I just... wanted to see how you're— um, doing with the whole—" her hand gestures towards the air, "Lilith thing."

Is she nervous?

I say with a hint of defensiveness, "I'm perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because your hand is starting to smoke."

I glance down and damnit. She's right.

I shake my hand out. "Just a flare up. That's all."

"Funny," she says dryly. "But seriously, Arwan—" she adds, sounding suddenly concerned, "I know this alliance was important to you and Korgon. I'm sorry it didn't work out."

I run a frustrated hand through my hair and pace the length of my office, as Morgan is leaning against the door frame.

"I just wish that I could've gotten some of the benefits this alliance would've offered."

I stop pacing and grip the edge of my desk. I huff out a breath, "Morgs," I squeeze my eyes shut, "I just feel like a failure. What would Mother think?"

I hear her soft tone and use it as an anchor to kep my mind steadfast. "She would think, that her son— King of Korgon, is doing an amazing job. Yes, things didn't go your way, but there's still a chance for you to get your hands on Asmen."

I turn to face her and sit on my desk. "How?"

She stands in front of me and leans in close to my face. "Take it," she whispers.

I give an empty laugh. "What?"

She places her hands on each side of my legs, caging me in with her arms. Morgan smiles at me with her thin rosy lips, her intimidating cat-like eyes piercing into my soul, her buttoned nose, and her bright blue wild eyes that one could drown in. "You heard me."

"I can't just storm into Asmen and— what? Take over?"

"Why not? You're a king for Christ's sake. Kings own kingdoms. Kings can wage wars. Kings take what people say they can't have," she says more stubbornly.

I shake my head for two reasons.

Reason one, I am trying to distract myself from how close Morgan is to me and I have to convince my other friend to realize it's not for his benefit.

Reason two, I can't just barge into Asmen and take over everything. Waging war on Asmen is the equivalent of waging war on Hell itself.

"Morgs, Korgon is far from ready for a battle like that. Even if we were... what if we lose? What happens then?"

"Arwan, listen," she says firmly. "We don't have to win."

"Then why would we—"

"You have to convince Lilith to give you what you want."

"How would I do that? I already broke our alliance."

"Start a war, get close to winning, and give her an ultimatum she can't refuse once she realizes Asmen can't afford any more losses. If she doesn't agree, say you'll stop the entire war. Boom," she makes an explosion motion with her hands, "offer she can't refuse."

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