🌙 8. He's the Dream Omega 🌙

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Jungkook had taken one week leave from the hospital work

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Jungkook had taken one week leave from the hospital work. His seniors and other human friends were calling him and congratulating him for getting married.  He couldn't invite them at the wedding cuz they were humans and he couldn't just expose himself of being a werewolf.

Jungkook was now in the kitchen to fetch something for the breakfast. But suddenly loud noises caught his attention, it was from the little Alphas room.

"I don't want to go school ! I'm not feeling good can't you understand ajhumma" Jungwon screams clutching on his pillow.

"Young Master, get up. I have other things to do and I can't waste my time on your tantrums. Stupid spoiler brat good for nothing just like his father, atleast go to school and be useful" the maid said while grabbing Jungwon by his little arm. Jungkook was at the door he heard every single word she said.

"You heard the boy said no right, leave him now!" Jungkook's growling dominant voice made shiver run down her spine and other helpers were watching the scene now. The maid trembled in fear seeing a fiercy tall man approaching her.

"Are maids suppose to touch thier masters wrongly? Were you trying to pull his arm out, Answer me damn it" Jungkook demanded gritting his teeth looking angry, he was about to slap the lady but controlled himself as she was a women, a female omega.

"Master, it's not what you think. I - I  I'm sorry please forgive me. I was just trying to send young Master to school" she said while trembling.

"Cut out the crap out, now get lost before I bang your skull on this wall!" Jungkook yelled making her run away from everyone's sight. Jungwon blinked his little eyes and ran to hug Jungkook.

"Thankyou for saving me Jungkook uncle, it was always like this but you saved me today" Jungwon said while hugging Jungkook's waist. The Omega made the boy to sit on the bed.

"Always like this?" Jungkook asked and The little Alpha was tensed now.

"Tell me Jungwon, you can trust me I'm your new friend, baby so relax and say" Jungkook asked while ruffling baby Alpha's hairs. He released his Jasmine pheromones to calm the younger Alpha who had a sour scent as he was troubled.

"I Love your smell Jungkook uncle, can I hold you for few minutes" the little Alpha asked as he was hugging some elder after such a long time. Ofcourse he hugged his father but he always had to be careful of not putting his weight on Jimin's body. He clutched on to Jungkook like a koala. Jungkook's heart sweeled with happiness as embraced the little Alpha in his chest.

"I was feeling uneasy and that's why I didn't wanted to go school today. She was scolding me and it's always like this" Jungwon told the Omega. That's when Jungkook sensed the little Alpha had fever.

"Don't worry, I will inform your teacher that you won't be going school for three days. But now be a good boy for me and take the medicine which I give you. You're having a high fever baby" Jungkook said to the little Alpha.

"Thankyou so much uncle, for saving me. Those maids all of them they are very mean and they use to scold me every time. I never let Dad know anout this as I didnt want to burden him more with my problems, he already suffers so much becauseof me." the little Alpha and Jungkook was too stunned to speak. The boy was just seven was already behaving like a responsible Alpha.

"Now promise me Jungwon if you have any problem or even If you want anything, you can always ask me, okay?" Jungkook said in a soft tone and gave the medicine to the little one.

"Thankyou again uncle, you're the best" Jungwon squels in happiness and kiss Jungkook's cheek.

"Come with me, and wait in your dad's room. I will get something to eat for all of us" Jungkook said and went down the kitchen to prepare the breakfast.

The Omega didn't find any meat at the house, there were just fruits, bread and eggs. He frowned, there was no meat in a werewolf household to eat, werewolves need to feed on meat all three times a day, that's why Alphas go hunt for their pack apart from their lifestyle. They don't eat processed meat like humans they were wild creatures of course.

Jungkook was back in thier room with food tray in his hands. By now Jungwon had told everything what has happened, he was excited as he found his Jungkook uncle cool. Jimin was again metling for this omega.

"Jungkook you could have asked the maids..." Jimin said while looking at the Omega.

"I fired all of them, we will hire new staff just for cleaning the house and regarding Jungwon, I will personally take care of him" Jungkook said while seating beside Jimin and the little boy on the bed.

"Yay, told you dad. My Jungkook uncle is the best!" Jungwon screamed in happiness while Jimin was laughing seeing his little baby so loud after such a long time.

"Jungkook I don't want to trouble you more, you're already being so good to us. You don't have to...." Jimin said apologetically.

"I've decided Mr. Park and I don't change my decisions. Besides haven't I promised you before this marriage? I'm your spouse so let me take care of everything" Jungkook said in his dominant authorative voice which Jimin had never seen in an omega. Jungkook was really something different, he just chose to stay quite not wanting to tense the atmosphere.

Jungkook sevred them the breakfast was having his own bite if food. When Jungwon took his attention. "Jungkook uncle..... can you... please can you feed me, pretty please?" The little Alpha was afraid of his uncles reply but he always wished to get feed by his dad, seeing other kids at school. But he couldn't afford to trouble Jimin as the elder was barely comfortable with his own body. Jungkook was processing what the little boy said.

Jungkook smiles fondly at him then feeds the little boy with his hands. Jungwon boy was more than happy. He was even running in the bedroom while eating and Jungkook was chasing behind the little Alpha.

"Yah Jungwonah ! Stop running or else you will choke on your food" Jungkook shouted angrily while catching the baby Alpha but he was also smiling in the process the cold omega still had the soft sidewalk somewhere hidden and Jimin needs to lift it up soon.

While Jimin was very emotional right now. He was happy to say would be an understatement. Jungkook was the dream omega one could ever have as a mate. So beautiful inside and outside.
He was watching his husband yes that amazing omega and his son getting along so well. The mansion today was filled with their cheerful voices.

 The mansion today was filled with their cheerful voices

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