Chapter 30. Sensitive

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This chapter takes place the day after chapter 29.


Solar's perspective:

Solar powers on.

Solar gets up from Ruin, who's still powered off.

... Ruin will wake up later.

Solar exits the room, walking over to the actual daycare play area.

Solar enters the room, Moon, Sun, Lunar, Earth and Monty, they're all talking.

Moon gesture's for Solar to join the conversation once noticing that he's here.

"... what is everyone talking about-?"

"Ruin. We're deciding if we should open the gate or not."

"... Didn't Ruin say to not do that-?"

"Do you- How much do you trust Ruin-?"

Moon and Monty seem to be leading this conversation, Earth and Lunar just listen for the most part.

"... They are my boyfriend so-"

"Forget about that for two seconds. How much do you trust Ruin."

Moon cuts of Solar very quickly.

... How much do I trust Ruin...

"... A fair amount-? Maybe like... Five out of ten on the trust scale..."

"Is that enough to stay trapped inside of this place for the rest of time?"

"... I guess not but... They said-"

"They lied once. They can lie again."

"... I still don't think-"

"Solar. Do you want to stay here for the rest of time?!"

... I don't wanna make the wrong choice...

"... No but- what if they're telling the truth-?"

"Then we can deal with it. We can't risk if it's a lie."

"... What if something is out there though-?"

"We can deal with it if the time arises."

... I guess that's fair...

"... When are we doing this?"

"Tomorrow night."

Solar nods.

"Me and Monty will hold back Ruin if they find out, You, Lunar and Earth are gonna lift the gate."

Solar, Lunar and Earth all look at eachother, with varying degrees of worry.


"Are you I should be helping lift the gate-?"
Lunar looks at Moon, reaching his arms up to the sky.

"Can you get- Castor and Pullox to help?"

"... Y-Yeah- I guess- they'd probably be more help as- ... I'll- um- get-"

Lunar scampers off.

... Guess where doing this...

"Amma head back to Ruin-"

"Ok. Make sure they don't suspect anything."

Solar turns around for the door, nodding slightly while walking out the large daycare doors.

Solar goes back to the storeage area of the theater snack section.

Ruin's still sleeping, though seems to be waking up as Solar open's the door.

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