Chapter 11. Truth

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This takes place a couple hours after chapter 9.


Solar's perspective:

A pool of oil spills on the ground, spreading on the floor.

i feel so... dizzy...

I can hold on for at least a couple more hours...

The others wouldn't forget about me right-?

No... I'm important to them... Right-?

Yeah... I'm their family... and Ruin wouldn't forget about their boyfriend...

Im important...

Eclipse enters the room, coming from the left hallway.

"Well, well well. How is it to know that nobody's coming?"

"Someone will be on their way- it's just taking some time..."

"Its almost been 50 hours. Do you really think anyone cares?"

"Ruin... Ruin will-"

"Ruin! Is that the knock-offs name?!"

Eclipse laughs, walking around Solar's puddle of oil, making fun of him.

Ruin... Where are you...

You wouldn't leave me...

Eclipse starts to go on on some evil monologue, though Solar doesn't really pay any attention.

Ruin will find me if not anyone else...

I just want too see them again...


Solar jumps a bit, looking up at Eclipse angerily.

"Ugh. Once I get bored your suffering, I'll just kill you. Or maybe if anyone comes along I'll use you for bait."


Eclipse crouches down, grabbing his shirt and pulling him closer.

"Heres the catch. If they don't comply, I'll stil kill you."

Eclipse laughs, throwing Solar at the back wall, standing up while pointing and making fun of Solar for thinking that he'd not kill him.

Get here soon...

Anyone... Please...

Eclipse goes to the opposite wall that Solar is at, still laughing maniacally.

Very loud, sudden footsteps can be heard from the leftwards hallway.

Eclipse stops laughing, smiling widely now.

A hand grasp onto the corner of the wall as Ruin enters the bunker.


"Well isn't it nice to see you again."

Ruin takes one step in, looking right at Solar with their bright red eyes, anger hitting them immediately when they notice that Solar's been damaged heavily.

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