Chapter 3 - idiotic actions

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"Hey why are you glaring at the wall?" Sam said coming to stand in front of me.

"Well, your brother is a dick not only had he ended my tutor session but also kicked George out of the house.

"Seriously Xavier did that?" she asked shocked.

I nodded. "Omg, he was totally jealous," she said laughing.

I groaned, "not that again Sam."

"Seriously think about it, he never acts like that," she said

"Well maybe he is just in a bad mood," I asked trying to reason with her, but she glared at me. He cannot be jealous, can he?

With that thought, we both went to our rooms to sleep. I kept tossing and turning, I know that Jenna is not his mate. Could I be Xavier's mate? I highly doubt it, he would have told me or at least he would not have dated anyone until I turn 18 or something. Well, I guess we will find out in few days who my mate was.

The next day, me and Sam were walking in the hallway that's when I spotted George. I excused myself from Sam and started to walk to him.

"Heeeey.. listen I am really sorry about what happened yesterday" I said apologetically.

"No problem, V but next tutor session will be at my house," he said.

"Well, I won't argue with that, just text me the address and I will come tonight," I said smiling.

"will do" he said.

Then we were interrupted by the bell, so we said our goodbyes and we headed to our classes. They day went painfully slow until finally it was time to go home.

"So do you have plans for tonight" Sam asked when we got into the car heading home.

"Nah just this tutoring session at Georgie's" I said.

"Ohhh I wonder what Xavier would say about that" she said smirking.

"Well he is not my father," I snapped yet again, what is wrong with me and snapping lately.

"Okay calm down, so let's speak about your birthday, are you excited," she asked.

"More like nervous, I mean the whole mate thing is making me on edge lately" I admitted.

"Well whoever is this mate of yours, I am sure he will be lucky to have you and will wonder what did he do right for the moon goddess to bless him with you" she said.

"I am lucky to have you Sam" I said hugging her

"okay you better let go if you don't want us to crash" she said laughing.

I laughed pulling away and after a few we reached home, we were going inside to find Xavier, Jenna and some of the pack who were Xavier's friends. But what caught my eyes that Jenna was sitting on Xavier's lap while he rested his hand on her thighs, that's when I felt a severe bang in my chest that I had to put my hand on my chest in attempt to ease the pain.

"Hey are you okay?" Sam asked.

I nodded the pain fading away, I looked back at them to find Xavier looking at me in concern, but it only lasted for a second before his eyes turned cold again.

"Hey guys, come sit with us" Jenna said.

"Nah thanks, we have things to do" Sam gave her a fake smile before pulling me with her upstairs.

"God, I hate her, Violet can you do something for me" she said giving me one of her evil smirks.

"Mhmm sure but don't give me this scary look," I said.

She went in her closet and started throwing clothes everywhere until she returned with a dress in her hands scratch that you could easily mistake it for a nightgown from how short it was.

"Put that on" she said throwing it at me.

"No way it's too short" I said.

"Come on V, I want to see how Xavier will react" she said.

"He won't react, and Jenna is downstairs he won't even give me a second glance" I said.

"Just do it" she said.

After a lot of convincing from her side, I sighed in defeat and put it on, well I must say I look sexy in it, but I was so embarrassed to go down like that, but Sam wouldn't have any of that, so she pushed me out of the room and we both went downstairs.

"Xavi, do you mind me taking your car as violet will take mine because she is going somewhere" Sam said innocently.

"Sure just let me grab... wth" he said upon seeing me.

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