Chapter 6 - New plan

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Violet POV:

"Bye asshole enjoy your life," I said to Xavier before leaving.

I went outside to be met with George who took my suitcases from me and put them in the car. I got in the car looking at the house one last time, I found Xavier standing there looking at me through one of the windows; I stared at him with a cold expression while he gave me a blank one. I looked away when George got in the car, and we drove off.

"I am sorry V, you don't deserve that" he said.

"Its okay" I said looking out of the window.

As much as I tried hating him, I just couldn't even before the mate bond I used to have the biggest crush on him, but I never acted on it because I know that he was way out of my league and what he did know just proved my theory even with a mate bond he didn't want me. I know I am not like Jenna, she was beautiful and strong, but he could at least give us a chance.

"V.. earth to Violet" I was snapped back to reality by George who was waving his hands in front of me.

"Yea sorry I zoned out" I said.

"Anyways when you mind linked me yesterday to find you a place, I did my search and found you this one it belongs to my family, but we don't use it, it's also close to the school so you can walk there until we get you a car" he said.

"Thanks George, it's really good," I said looking at house and reached in my bag to give him the money for the rent.

"Keep it, consider it payback for you helping me pass my exams and not getting kicked out of the team," he said.

"Ohh congrats George" I said hugging him.

After that he drove away leaving me to settle in, I began unpacking my things, I thought after my parents were killed that I wouldn't feel that much grieve again but now I feel like my heart was ripped open. I felt my phone ringing in my pockets.

"Hey Sam" I answered.

"Hey how are you" she asked.

"Good I am just settling in my new house and will go job hunting after that" I said.

"Well can I come pick you up and go together please?" she said.

"yea sure will be waiting for you" I agreed.

After we hung up and I finished unpacking. I decided to go grocery shopping until it was time to meet Sam.

"Hey Sam" I said getting in the passenger seat as soon as I got in, I was pulled in a hug.

"I am really sorry please don't be mad at me. I really didn't know," she said holding me for dear life.

"I am not mad at you Sam; I am sure you didn't know. It's okay" I said patting her back.

"Good now we go job hunting," she said sounding relived.

We began searching and entering random shops to ask if they need someone to hire until we find a small restaurant in the area who needed a waiter.

"So dear you will work each day from 6 pm until 11 pm and you will have Sunday as a rest day, is that okay with you" Sally the old lady owner asked.

"Yea that's perfect" I said smiling.

"Good good you will start tomorrow" she smiled.

I thanked her before Sam, and I took off towards my house. I invited Sam in to stay with me for a bit until she has to go home.

"So, I know you don't want to talk about what happened in the last 24 hours, but we really have to V" Sam said.

"What is there to talk about, he made his decision," I said.

"Well, the V I know wouldn't just give up. You got to fight for your mate," she said.

"Fight for him? He doesn't want me Sam, hell he thinks I am just a weak kid, and he is willing to mate with another woman," I said remembering his words.

"Well than we show him that you are not weak, nor you are a kid, come on Violet at least do that as not to regret it later. I am sure the moon goddess paired you together for a reason," she pleaded.

I began thinking about it maybe she is right nothing in this world comes easily than why would love to be any difference. Also, maybe the moon goddess paired us for a reason like Sam said.

"Okay I agree but I won't humiliate myself in the process," I said

"No one said anything about humiliating yourself, we will just show him that you are nothing close to a kid nor a weak wolf," she said smirking already I can see a plan forming in her head. 

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