Chapter 13

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I must have fallen asleep while crying on the floor because I woke up to my phone ringing. I looked at the caller Id to find Carlos.

"Morning" I said

"Hey V, there is an important Intel on the coven, you want in?" he asked

"Yes" I said. Well in my defense, I need to get my mind off things.

"Okay cool get dressed until I come get you," he said before hanging up.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face, as my eyes were puffy from all the crying last time and put some makeup on before I got dressed. After a while, I heard a honk of car which made me know that Carlos arrived.

I got out and got in his car before he drove off to the slayers house for us to meet with the rest.

"Hey again werewolf" Megan greeted me upon entering the house. I was not in the mood for her antics, so I pretended that I did not hear her.

"What's up your ass princess, do you think you are higher than us because you are a wolf mated to an alpha" she said coming up behind me turning me around to face her well more like yanked me.

I do not know what gotten into me I just slammed her against the nearest wall.

"Listen you don't know a thing about me and if it makes you feel any better this alpha rejected me as his mate and well mate with another she wolf" I growled before I let her go and walked towards Carlos who gave me an apologetically look before began explaining the intel he got.

"Well, the vampire coven that attacked your pack Violet and the two Vampires who attacked few days ago are from the same coven they call themselves LA VOLONTE, the vouched to end your pack once and for all" he said.

"But why us?" I asked confused.

"Well because the daughter of their leader fell in love with the last Alpha who is Xavier's dad and they were with each other until he met his mate, Xavier's mom" he explained before he was interrupted by one of the male slayers, I guess his name was Shelby or something.

"And what she said if I can't have him no one can and launched a war between her coven and the pack" he said sarcastically.

"Well, it was not quite like that, she tried killing the Luna on many occasions and the previous alpha warned her many times to back off, but she didn't and one night she almost killed the Luna and her son Xavier, but the Alpha put a dagger in her heart first" he explained.

"That is intense," Megan said.

"So, when they attacked us, they were avenging her death but why attack now? I mean they already killed both the alpha and the Luna and a lot of pack members including my parents," I asked confused.

"Because Xavier is hunting them down and we all know that Vampires like to play offense more than defense" he shrugged.

"So what we do now? "I asked.

"We wait until we see what Xavier will decide and we move accordingly," he said before gathering the papers and leaving the room, I guess to his office to put the papers somewhere safe.

"Violet? I want to say I am sorry I was not supposed to judge you," Megan said coming to stand in front of me.

"It's okay," I said giving her a weak smile.

"But he is right to reject you" she said which earned her a glare from me. "No No sorry again I didn't mean that it's just you look so lame" she tried to explain.

"Jesus thanks," I said sarcastically.

"Look what I am trying to say that you need to get a kickass new look and I really have something in my mind just please say yes" she said or more like begged me.

I guess a new look will not hurt; I never got any one of those before. It was always me, my long hair and my baggy clothes. So, I went with her to her room which she didn't waste any time and began with my look. After a few hours we were done.

"Dammit now you don't look lame" she said whistling.

"Dammit now you don't look lame" she said whistling

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"I barely recognize myself" I said laughing.

"Violet, Megan" came in Carlos's bargaining in the room. "I have an important news, Woahhh who are you and what have you done with Violet?" he said surprised.

"Ha Ha funny, so what is the news" I asked.

"Xavier agreed and we will meet him in few hours," he said.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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