Later that day, Christy, Luna and Trinity slowly walks atop of the rooftop balcony railing of the temple.

"It feels good up here. The warm gentle breeze." Luna said.

"Do you come here sometimes Mom?" Trinity asked.

"Not much." Christy said.

"Do you know what a Siren is?" Luna asked.

"Mermaid Sirens are the rivals of the Marena and Meri." Christy told her oldest daughter.

"We learned about the Mermaid Sirens in the Orasanian library. There's a lot of library books." Trinity said.

"Like a lot of library books and bookshelves." Luna said.

"Yeah, I know." Christy said.

Christy, Luna and Trinity exchange small smiles at each other.



That afternoon, Christy slowly walks inside the ballroom and sees Klaus with a box of stuff.

"What's with the box?" Christy asked.

"Triotcus and Aediphae came by with a box of ancient souvenirs from the Museum of Orasanian Mythology." Klaus said, gently sets down the box on the table. "And surely, these are amazing."

Christy chuckled softly to herself and gently takes a crown in her hands. "This is a nice crown."

And Christy looks at Klaus with a playful smile and he looks at her as she puts the crown atop of his head.

Christy imitates Klaus's English accent. "I am King Klaus. Ruler of New Orleans."

Klaus chuckled softly and she does too.

"Don't you two look absolutely cute." Marcel said, slowly walks inside.

"Hi, Marcel." Christy greeted him with a smile.

And Klaus gently takes off the crown from off his head. "Do you have something?"

"Fortunately, I do." Marcel said. "Vincent has managed to locate Aurora. She's driving somewhere on the road."

"She's still in New Orleans because she knows we're onto her and she doesn't have much time given the fact that she can flame out at any moment." Christy said.

"Then, we should hurry." Klaus said. And looks at Christy. "Chris? Do you want to come along with?"

"You men go on ahead. I'm gonna play with these ancient Orasanian souvenirs." Christy said.

"Alright then." Klaus said.

And Klaus and Marcel walks away, and Christy resumes checking out the ancient Orasanian souvenirs from the box.


- Third POV -

That afternoon, Aurora is driving on the road. She glances at the red "M" on her right inner forearm. She looks at the rearview mirror and looks back at the road.

Vincent Griffith is standing in the middle of the road and uses his magic to flip over Aurora's car sideways onto the road.

Vincent Griffith is standing in the middle of the road and uses his magic to flip over Aurora's car sideways onto the road

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