
On the contrary, Jungkook's condition was no less  He proceeded to his office in the usual manner, immersing himself in his work as if he had not recently kissed Kim Taehyung.

Although he displayed indifference outwardly, internally he was battling conflicting emotions. To be frank, he struggled to comprehend what was unfolding. This was beyond his expectations, and definitely not what he intended. So, what exactly did he desire now? What course of action should he pursue?

Suddenly, everything seemed trivial. Not the events transpiring, but rather his desired outcomes. What was he thinking when he embarked on this journey? Had he deviated too far from his initial objective? Was that objective ever truly worthwhile?

"Please enter" he commanded upon hearing a knock at the door, assuming it to be his brother.

To his surprise, his private investigator seized the opportunity to approach him when Bright was not present. He was slightly taken aback, as he hadn't anticipated their encounter at a time when he was questioning everything.

"Sir, we have obtained the footage, and here is the requested file," he stated as he handed the file and Pendrive to him. "Should we proceed with the video's release?"

"No. I will reach out to you later," Jungkook replied, gesturing for the individual to depart. After bowing respectfully, they left. The weight of the Pendrive and file in his hand mirrored the heaviness in his heart. Clasping it tightly, he placed both the file and Pendrive into one of the drawers, intending to address it at a later time, if at all. Only the passage of time will reveal the course of action to be taken.

He had more pressing matters to attend to, such as his girlfriend. The woman whom he was expected to be 'head over heels' for. How convincing and believable would that statement be if he genuinely thought of her at least once each day? Perhaps he did, during the times she messaged him or vice versa. Or when he stumbled upon an elegant dress that he knew Lisa would appreciate receiving. But what about the moments he spent with Taehyung? No, never. Those recent actions of his provided a clear explanation.

Would he refrain from allowing it to occur if he contemplated Lisa's presence during their moment of intimacy? Honestly, the answer is no. It would not hold any significance.

He knew he messed up, big time and he'll make it right.

Bright made his entrance, providing a summary of his schedule, yet Jungkook paid no attention and immediately delved into his own agenda. "Retrieve the contracts and list of investors for Lala Cosmetics. Make sure Lisa doesn't know about this."

Alarmed by this sudden request, Bright found himself bewildered. It had been quite some time since Jungkook spoke about Lisa, leaving him curious about the motives behind this particular request.

"Why?" he inquired in a questioning tone for the first time. However, Jungkook chose to disregard it, burdened with his preoccupations.

"Just do as I say." Accepting defeat, Bright nodded, while Jungkook promptly dismissed him. Closing his eyes and reclining in his swivel chair, a smile crept onto his face as he reminisced about the kiss, followed by a deep sigh. It is this very thought that stirs turmoil within him and somehow calms him too.

"Kim Taehyung..." he uttered, feeling the name gracefully escape his lips. He released a profound sigh, as the questions swarmed around his heart, and escaped his lips as a whisper.  "Should I pay you a visit Kim Taehyung? Would you permit me to do so? What's on your mind?"

Suppressing the impulse to approach the man, he reasoned that it would be best to refrain from doing so. Despite having his usual excuse of attending Mr. Cha's meeting, he opted against it, desiring to grant Taehyung some space. After all, they had a meeting scheduled for tomorrow; a little patience would be wise.
Gazing at the time, he expressed frustration. "Oh dear! Has it truly been merely a few hours?"

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