He found the beast sprawled out on the couch, eyes shut and mouth slightly open. His stomach was bare, and Rulshkka poked it. He laughed when Kohgrash jolted in surprise, glaring at him with all the huffiness a mammal could manage. 

"Ryood," he grumbled, curling up into a ball with his back facing Rulshkka. 

"Sorry, little one. You're just so cute," Rulshkka cooed, giving his side a few pats before he began setting up the buttons, more out of curiosity than anything else. 

(Well, and he didn't want to be demoted from favorite uncle again. That had been the worst.)

Hmm, he supposed he'd start with the things Kohgrash already knew. Food, no, yes, treat, come here... Spirits, Rulshkka hadn't really been training his pet, had he? He knew shake, but did he know sit down or heel? 

There was the question of what commands Kohgrash knew from the Ring of Wonders, as well... Rulshkka was certain Kohgrash wouldn't become some wild animal the moment he said them, so he started tossing out words. 

"Kohgrash, attack," Rulshkka said. The mammal had positioned himself into a lazy slouch against the couch arm, watching him curiously. At his words, the mammal's stare was simply confused. "Hmm, what about kill?" 

Kohgrash frowned at him. Rulshkka did not know what that meant, but he wasn't moving. That was a relief. "Injure?" 

Kohgrash scratched at his neck, looking uncomfortable. "Wuht'arr yew dewen?" he chittered. 

Rulshkka smiled at him reassuringly. "Don't worry, buddy. I was just testing something. You're probably used to hand signals. Can't imagine Krrkh shouting at you from across the arena had much success." 

Rulshkka twisted his hand in the universal signal to win the fight, which was often used in the Competition's stands. Kohgrash abruptly got to his feet, so quickly it made Rulshkka jump. But the mammal didn't attack him and fled the room instead, looking uneasy and frightened. Rulshkka immediately felt terrible. He hadn't meant for that to happen! 

He got several fruits as a bribe and went after Kohgrash to assuage his guilt. The promise of food went over well enough and when Kohgrash let him pat his head a few times, Rulshkka knew he'd been forgiven. 

"Well, no more hand signals for us, huh?" Rulshkka asked, sitting on the floor of his office with several color-coded buttons in front of him. "Who needs them anyway?" 

"Yurr tehhlen mee," Kohgrash replied, sitting across from him. His legs were folded underneath him in a way that couldn't possibly be comfortable. Attempting to straighten them out for him just left him with a smack on his hand. 

"Stop being nauu-not nice," he amended when he saw Kohgrash tense up. In a fit of inspiration, he grabbed a button and recorded, "Ouch!" He pressed it, cradling his hand in exaggeration. 

Kohgrash looked unimpressed. He stuck out his tongue. 

Rulshkka harrumphed and started recording some more phrases he thought might be useful. He did yes and no, as well as food, please, water, and go away. He figured Kohgrash might use that one when Nohkka harassed him in the future. He put more nonsensical phrases on the rest of the buttons, like I love you and good job

It must have been nearing dinner time, as his front door opened. Thruul, presumably, began clanking pots and pans together. Kohgrash got that grouchy look on his face like he always did when Thruul was around. At least Thruul found his dislike funny and not offensive, even if Rulshkka was mightily embarrassed. Kohgrash didn't throw stuff at his cook anymore, which was a relief. 

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