Talking Buttons

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In which Vok'Rul decides to set up talking buttons for Viktor just for fun. 

A/N: This one has switching POVs! 


Rulshkka did not often go on the wire. He had little free time and he spent it wisely; either chatting with Thruul or playing with Kohgrash. Spending it on the wire of all things seemed like a waste of time. At least to him. 

Rukka, however, did not agree with him. She claimed there were countless opportunities to learn something new. But Rulshkka did not need to learn something new. If he wanted to learn at all, he had his library. Honestly. 

She enjoyed perusing the general populace forums that ranged in topics from landscaping to politics to entertainment. She claimed she used what she learned in her work, but he was certain she just liked to kill time. It wasn't any of his business what she did with her free time, anyway. 

Until she made it his business. 

"Listen," she said dryly, dumping a bag on Rulshkka's dining table. Kohgrash jumped onto the chair and attempted to pull the bag closer to him. Rukka pushed it toward him obligingly. "This was Nohkka's idea, for the record. I have no idea if it'll work." 

"And what's this?" he asked, grabbing the bag from Kohgrash with some difficulty. "Stop it, you fiend." 

Kohgrash bared his teeth at him and stuck out his tongue, which Rulshkka knew to be I'm jokingly mad at you. Or at least he hoped that's what that meant. 

He's had him for a few months now. He's broken a limb and saved him from several crazy animals and crazier, treasonous Vokkrus in that time, but Rulshkka liked to think he was taking good care of him nonetheless. He's gained a lot of weight and he wasn't as skittish as he had been anymore. Rulshkka could even pet him freely! He really loved the little thing.  

Rukka gestured vaguely to the table, but he knew what she intended. He upended the bag, spilling the contents onto the wood. They were buttons? 

"What is this?" he asked. Confusion was the least fitting word to describe what he felt right now. 

"Nohkka found this silly little video of a Flyhk pressing a button that said 'treat' in their owner's voice," she said, voice thick with fondness and exasperation. "So, she decided that Kohgrash needed something like this. She seriously would not stop pestering me until I bought them. She fully expects Kohgrash to be talking with these things by the time she comes over next." 

"Spirits," Rulshkka replied, picking one up. It was unassuming - just a button. He flipped it over, squinting at the small text denoting how it worked. 

Rukka was already one step ahead of him. She'd picked up a button, recorded, "Bite Rulshkka," and set it on the table in front of a curious Kohgrash. She pressed it, chuckling meanly. 

"Real funny," he said dryly. He's been bitten by Kohgrash before. It hurt. His teeth were surprisingly painful for ones so flat. 

Kohgrash only tilted his head at her before he grabbed the button, turning it over and over to inspect it. He suddenly laughed. "Ahw, yew gawt me'sum buhtins. Ell'yah." 

"Yeah, you like the buttons?" Rulshkka asked, reaching over to ruffle his fur. Kohgrash swatted at him with no heat, and Rulshkka expertly avoided the swing. "I'll give it a try. Tell Nohkka no promises." 

"You know that'll never stick," Rukka huffed. They chatted for a while longer before the conversation diverged into work and neither of them wanted to linger on such unpleasant topics on their days off (well, Rulshkka didn't technically have any days off but he had no plans today, so...). He bid Rukka goodbye and went to hunt for an elusive Kohgrash. 

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