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I found Millie on my way inside to school. She was scared to death. So she and I decided to skip school and get her some air.

We are right now in my car, we are going to an isolated beach which particularly does not have any name.

"So don't you have anything to say to offend me?" I asked Millie to grab her attention. She was looking at the view through the window on her side.

"I am not in the mood Archie." She said without even looking at me. What's going on with her?

"Well you do know that I am the one driving and it's my car, right? So don't you think you owe me a little attention?" I joked just to get her attention.

"Then pull over. Leave me here, I will manage my way to home. But don't you dare order me like you own me. I have self worth, Archie and don't you dare take that away from me." Millie looked at me with her eyes filled with anger. She have never responded with this reaction atleast not to me.

"Munchkin I--"

"Don't, just don't. It was a dumb idea to come with you. Pull over right now." Millie ordered. No way I am pulling over and leaving here all alone.

"What's going on with you?" I interrogated.

"You frustrate me and you know that. I get irritated every damn time I am near you. So you want to know what's going on with me? I am exhausted by your presence and I just can't bare your whore face anymore. So stop the goddamn car right fucking now." Millie yelled. She have never been this harsh. Her words are like someone throwing knives on my body. I tried to ignore her harsh words and focus on the road.

"What part of 'stop the car right now' did you not understand assface." Millie is now getting too much to handle and I can't deal with her shit anymore. But there is no way I am pulling over and having a fight with her in the middle of the road.

"Archie stop the fucking --" Enough is enough.

"Shut up!!" I raised my voice high enough to cutt of Millie. "Just shut up." I lowered my voice a bit but the angry tone was still there. "I don't know why are you so mad and it's not like I forced you to come along with me. But now as we are way too near  our destination and I know that the view is worth it. So I will keep my mouth shut and you can ignore my whore face for the while." I ordered and Millie didn't argue back and went back to seeing the scenery through the window.


We finally reached to the beach. I parked my car somewhere in the near area. We finally reached the main beach. The view is the best but still very few people know about this. Me and my mom secretly used to come here.

"Woww. This- This is gorgeous." Millie let out and finally the expressions of her face changed. She was finally calm.

"I know." I said to myself as Millie went near to the water. I decided to let her have few minutes of me time. So I sat on the sand and watched Millie playing with the water and enjoying the beautiful scene and the sun.

I don't know what happened earlier and why she snapped on me in the car but she was rude and mean today. She have never been like that. We both mock and taunt each other for fun but that was not what she was trying to do.

We spent around half an hour at the beach and then decided to go back.

We have reached the main city and was very close to our schoo."Are you coming to school or should I drop you home?" I asked Millie.

"Home" Millie replied. "Wait. Are you going back to school?" Millie questioned.

"Yeah! I have football practice today. I can't miss that. Why would you ask?" I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28 ⏰

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