VOL 4 Chapter 2 Birthday

Start from the beginning

Airi   has a smile that is not cheerful at all, I can see a faint mask of a demon behind her.

And   Kiyotaka   continues with his always neutral look, at least someone remains the same.

Haruka : Hikki  , Why did you close the door?

Hachiman: I thought…. That i was interrupting something.

Airi : In that case, you should just apologize.

I feel the temperature of the room decrease little by little. I can't run away from that pair at the door, traitors.

Kiyotaka : Just apologize, this way we can move forward quickly.

He gives me some advice, I think it is the best option, furthermore, advance in what?

Hachiman : I'm sorry, I was rude to leave like that.

They all nod in acceptance of my apology. At this point I'm too tired to continue thinking.

Haruka  : Okay, now it's time for us all to say it.

I'm completely lost.



I am completely shocked, this……. This ….

Hachiman : How…..?

Akito : How did we know? It's simple, next to your contact profile, there is the information, and those of us who are in contact can see it.

I had forgotten that function.

Ken: Also   Hachiman , why didn't you tell us that your birthday was so close?

Hachiman : In my defense, I was busy thinking about the special exam.

Airi : That's no excuse, I was very surprised when I found out, what would we do if the date had passed?

Haruka  : Silly,   Hikki  , you are very stupid. You know we need quite a few excuses to have a party.

Akito : I couldn't agree with them more, this time I'll let the scolding pass.

Kiyotaka : I guess we already said everything. It's time to take out all the things.

Haruka : You're right.

With this everyone places a table in the center of the room and begins to bring out various drinks and snacks, with a large chocolate cake. They had it planned from the beginning. 

Airi : Come on, come on,   Hachiman-kun , sit down.

Still shocked, I sit at the   table, and   everyone does too, making a circle around me.

They cut the cake into several portions. Even right now I'm in shock, I don't know what to say or do.

That is until a piece arrives in front of me.

Haruka  : Come on   Hikki  , try it.

She urged me to eat, with gentle movements i cut a piece and brought it to my mouth.

It is a cake that you can find anywhere, there is nothing special that differentiates it from other chocolate cakes.

However, for me right now it is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted. I don't care how common it is, I would never replace it with anything else, not even from a five star restaurant.

It's the first time that someone else besides my parents from this life and the afterlife,   Komachi , sometimes those two,
They celebrated my birthday.

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