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Jeonghan's pov

It was a new day.
After last night, my body needed to rest so I drifted off as soon as I layed down. I overslept and woke up at 11am.

I also had to do something so I rushed to get ready.

As Seungcheol adviced, I went to talk to Joshua.

Even though he lived on his own, we all knew he was home that day since we all resided in the same building.

I knocked.

No response.

I waited a few seconds to knock again, and as my fisted hand was about to, the door flashed open.

Joshua's delicate figure appeared before my eyes.

He was wearing his cozy clothes, white sweatpants and gray hoodie. He seemed he got out of the shower recently since his hair was soaking wet.

"Jeonghan" Joshua was surprised at seeing me.

"Can I- can I come in?" I stuttered as I stared at him.

Joshua stepped aside and he let me come in.

I followed to remove my shoes and wear the slippers that were there.

"How have you been these days?" I inquired as I sat down on the sofa.

"I wish I could say I've been good honestly" Joshua replied as his gaze stayed on a spot. He avoided eye contact.

I didn't know what to reply so we both kept silent for a while.

Until he suddenly interrupted the silence.

"Jeonghan... I'm... I'm so sorry" Joshua stuttered as he looked up at me. I could see his eyes became teary.

"I screwed up again" the younger added.

I could feel his pain, I was there to understand him. And I wanted to help him.

Joshua's deery eyes let out a tear down his reddened cheek.

"Joshua hey" I came closer and I couldn't help but hug him.

He bursted into tears on my shoulder.
I comforted him for a while in silence until I spoke again.

"You know" I continued, "I remember the words you told me... how you're used to being in pain... how you don't know what to do without it... you also told me that pain made the Joshua I'm hugging right now..." I spoke as I kept hugging him, gently caressing his wet soft hair.

"You don't have to carry it all" I paused as I took a breath, "Humans aren't made to be solitary creatures. I want to help. All you have to do is ask Joshua, but please... let me help you, let me carry that pain with you. You don't even need to find the perfect words, just tell me what you're feeling and I'll listen" I continued as we both followed to stay in silence.

I didn't care if he wrote letters to Dokyeom. I just wanted to assure him that I was there for him. I wanted to fix the friendship that had just formed between us.

I could feel Joshua was sobbing on my shoulder for a while now.
And I just let him.

I knew he needed to let it all out and he needed someone's shoulder in that moment.

"Jeonghan" Joshua inhaled deeply as he was recollecting himself now.

"I... I lacked the words the other day... I genuinely didn't expect you to ever find out like that" he started explaining as he sniffled one last time.

"You assumed it was a love letter, just by seeing that I wrote it someone... but no it wasn't a love letter" Joshua kept on clarifying.

I kept my attention focused at him.

𝘈𝘥 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢 || jihanWhere stories live. Discover now