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Joshua's pov

As the sun rays caressed my warm cheeks and the coffee aroma filled the room, I slowly began to awake.

I turned around on the other side on the silky smooth sheets.

I quickly began to realize that those weren't my sheets. And that wasn't my bed.

As I sat up up I recalled the previous night happenings, I rubbed my eyes and started realizing.

I slept at Jeonghan's place. We cuddled.

And most importantly... we kissed.

Up until two weeks ago Jeonghan and I hated each other, and now... now we were doing pajama parties? We were kissing on the sofa?

I walked towards the kitchen, following the coffee scent in the air.

"Oh goodmorning sleepyhead" Jeonghan suddenly spoke as I still struggled to see the light.

"Hi... goodmorning" I hesitantly replied with my husky morning voice.

I came closer to observe what he was making.

"Cinnamon pancakes! Dokyeom actually prepared the batter earlier this morning before leaving off to the gym... he'll be back soon" Jeonghan looked up and explained as I had kept on staring on the cooking process.

"Uhm Jeonghan?" I suddenly inquired, "Did we sleep together?" I added. I needed to get this clear.

"Yeah" Jeonghan replied focusing on the pan.

My mind started rushing with all sorts of thoughts... I slept with him? Did it really happen? I couldn't remember a single detail.

Jeonghan turned his gaze at me trying to read my expression.

"Oh Joshua... not in that sense" The older paused and chuckled, "we slept on the same bed" Jeonghan smiled as he focused back on the pancakes.

"And we kissed right?" I quickly added as i needed to make sure what was real and whatnot.

"Yeah don't worry it wasn't just a dream" Jeonghan replied smirking as he slightly joked with me.

"Oh so we did kiss"

"Why you want the replay perhaps?" Jeonghan inquired as he glanced at me, expecting a reply.

I refused to respond to his silly proposal.

"Cat got your tongue Joshua?" Jeonghan suddenly rested the ladle in the batter.

I noticed he came closer to me.

"A-are you, are you about to kiss me again?" I stuttered as he was a few inches from me now.

"Would you want me to?" Jeonghan smirked and stared me into the eyes

His gaze fell briefly in my lips and back to my eyes.

I felt a strange feeling in my chest. My heart was beating fast for some reason.

After a few seconds passed he suddenly spread out his arm and grabbed the butter that was behind me on the counter.

He smiled jokingly as he pretended he just wanted the butter.

"Jeonghan why..."

"Why what?" He asked smirking.

"Nothing" I replied.

Jeonghan paused.

"You wanted me to kiss you huh"

I didn't reply. I rolled my eyes as he was still the playful and unserious person he always used to be.

𝘈𝘥 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢 || jihanWhere stories live. Discover now