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They soon arrived at the apartment door and waved goodbye to the others as they went to their own places.

"And what's its name?" Joshua asked as he pointed at the goldfish Jeonghan held in the huge home aquarium.

"That's Jaws" Jeonghan replied.

"So Jaws, Wanda, Miso and Gin... strange choice of names I must say" Joshua said as his gaze was still fully focused on the little animals.

Joshua turned to scan the rest of the living room, his eyes stopped.

He noticed the bright daylilies next to the tv.

"These flowers..." he paused as he got closer and took a whiff of the scent.

"What? You like them?" Jeonghan inquired as he was feeding the aquarium's fishes, "I have a vase full of those, look" Jeonghan headed towards the balcony to show the younger his daylilies.

"You sure like daylilies" Joshua smiled.

"I do, my mom gifted me some seeds when I moved out" Jeonghan revealed, proudly looking at the bright flowers in the vase.

"You know Jeonghan..." Joshua paused, "in Chinese culture, daylilies symbolize the bond between a parent and a child" Joshua softly smiled as he kept his gaze focused on the flowers, "it's sweet your mother gifted them to you" Joshua seemed nostalgic, pondering on the fact Jeonghan was this lucky.

"Oh" Jeonghan realized, his eyes widened. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." he continued.

"It's okay don't worry" Joshua interrupted the older as they both headed back into the living room.

A few moments passed as Joshua browsed about on the shelves. He snooped around the books Jeonghan, Dokyeom and Hoshi kept there.

"That's not mine" Jeonghan spoke as he noticed Joshua picked up Hoshi's agenda.

Joshua tried another book. "Cosmos" Joshua read, "this must be yours" he softly smiled as he opened the book index. He leafed through the pages and his gaze occasionally stopped at some paragraphs.

"So uhm... do you have any preferences... any intolerances?" Jeonghan inquired as he was in the kitchen now. He opened up the fridge.

"Nope... don't worry, just cook anything you like" Joshua replied as he followed the older to the kitchen.

"Need help?" He asked.

"Can you please mince the garlic I put on the chopping board?" Jeonghan asked, "thank you" he added.

"Sure no worries" the younger grabbed the big knife and started helping out Jeonghan at making dinner.

The meal was ready now and the two were seated at the dining table.

"Delicious" Joshua commented as he devoured the juicy pan-seared steak.

"I know right... I didn't expect it to turn out this good" Jeonghan added as he took a sip of the fancy red wine he opened for the occasion.

Jeonghan made an extra portion for Dokyeom who was coming home late.

They soon finished eating and cleaned up everything.

"Let's watch a movie! I'm really in the mood" Joshua suggested as he seemed excited at the idea. "I love movies... I might recommend one to watch" he continued.

"One about astronomy?" Jeonghan smirked jokingly as all he would watch were documentaries about stars. Of course he wouldn't watch one with Joshua as they had to find something they would both enjoy equally.

𝘈𝘥 𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢 𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢 || jihanWhere stories live. Discover now