Chapter 8: Down in the Swamp

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The girl awoke the next morning. Paralyzed by memories of the dream still dancing in her head. Things seemed to be progressing with the man from her dreams and her gutt told her it was dangerous. The young woman felt the urge to pack her bags and head back up north to her family. Surely she would be safe there.. right? Then she remembered the young couple that fled to Mississippi, her birth parents. Sadness filled her heart as she realized she could very well put them all in danger. Feeling scared and alone, she felt a tear roll down her cheek. Marion felt very unsure of herself for the first time in years and had no idea what she was going to do.

Her phone suddenly started to vibrate on her nightstand. It was Wes. She wiped her face, took a deep breath and accepted the call.

"Hey, Wes."

"Marion, how are you?"

"If I'm being honest, not in the best mood today. You?"

"Well, I'm just fine. I wondered if I might buy you a coffee this morning? If you're up to it?"

"Yeah, don't know that I'll be much fun today but.. sure. Meet me here in the court yard? Hotel Royal. "

"Yeah, sure. See you soon Marion."

The girl ended the call and laid back in bed with a sigh for a moment or two before willing herself to get up and look somewhat presentable. She decided on a pair of linen pants, a simple t-shirt and some lightweight tennis shoes. Throwing her cross body over her shoulder, she headed downstairs to the courtyard. Marion ordered a coffee and began scrolling through her phone. About twenty minutes later she watched as Wes walked in, a sly smile on his face. He greeted her with a nod and soon ordered a coffee and a plate of beignets. They shared the delicate French pastries as the girl finished the rest of her coffee. There was little conversation between the two of them yet somehow it still felt comfortable. Wes took another sip of his drink and looked her way, a gentle smile sitting on the corner of his mouth.

"I would like to show you a side of New Orleans you might not think to explore on your own, Marion. Get you away from the city for a moment... if you'll let me."

The young woman observed him for a moment or two. She didn't really know him yet but he felt sweet and genuine. Just maybe it would do her some good to change her scenery for the day.. or maybe just a couple of hours.

"I can't promise I'll be the social butterfly I was last night but if you're willing to put up with me.. sure."

The young man dropped his easy going smile and gave her a serious, matter of fact look.

"Chéri, you don't have to be anything you don't want to be."

She gave him a small smile and he quickly downed the rest of his coffee. He paid the tab and she left a tip before they headed out the entrance of the hotel. He smiled back at her and gently led her by the hand to where he had parked his car. Wes opened her door then walked around the enter the driver's side of the car. They took off without another word, driving in silence. Marion watched out the window as the hustle and bustle of the city gave way to old plantations and waterways. The countryside of New Orleans felt like a complete other world then the city. They began to pass shacks, some sitting up on wooden legs in the middle of the water. Soon they were pulling into a driveway, dust kicking up behind them as they neared a small shack sitting close to the water.

Wes made eye contact with her as they got out of the car and headed for a small boat docked at the edge of the water. The young man glanced at the shack nervously, he seemed to be on the lookout for someone. The girl's feeling were confirmed as she heard a screen door fly open.

"Boy, you wouldn't be trying to sneak past me now, would ya?"

The young woman turned to see an elderly woman standing on the porch of the shack. Her hands rested firmly on her hips and her white hair twisted into a bun on the top of her head. Wes pierced his lips and gave the girl an apologetic smile before leading her over to the old rickety porch.

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