Chapter 2: The Heart of the City

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With one last scan of the lively city streets, she turned back to her room and shut the balcony doors. Marion lifted her shirt to her nose, a look of disgust weighing on her brow.

Ugh. Shower time.

She undressed as she sauntered to the bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes in her wake. Marion stopped just inside the bathroom as she noticed herself in a full length mirror. She turned the water on in the shower and then faced her reflection. Marion's light auburn hair fell limply to her shoulders as she pulled the elastic from her locks. She ran her fingers down the side of her pale skin, grazing the side of her breast. She placed her hands on her hips and scrunched up her nose in disappointment. At five foot and four inches, the young woman had always felt disproportionate. Her hips just a little too wide for her narrow waist. She sighed with resignation and turned again towards the steaming hot shower.

Marion enjoyed the hot water as it ran through her hair and down her back, pulling goosebumps up from just below the surface of her skin. She got lost in thought, daydreaming about the adventures that awaited her. A few minutes later the girl turned off the water and stepped out onto the plush rug at her feet. She dried off her body and wrapped up her hair before walking into the bedroom. Marion slipped on a pair of lace underwear and a long flowing sundress with an open back before stepping barefoot onto the balcony. The sunset blanketed the city in a golden hue, and it was nothing short of magical. She sat upon a wicker chair and took it all in with quiet contentment.

Marion realized soon enough the shadows of the night creeping up on the corners of the hotel balcony and rose from her seat to find a pair of shoes. After strapping on a simple pair of sandles, she took one last look in the full length mirror. Satisfied, she threw a few items in a small leather cross body and threw it over her torso before heading out. Marion had seen a sign for a restaurant in the hotel, The Royal Table earlier when she had arrived and now followed signs for it through the lobby of the hotel. The young woman waited patiently in the entryway and scrolled through her phone for only 10 minutes before it was time to be seated. The delicate sound of wine glasses and low chatter filled the air, intertwined with the flickering candlelight upon each small table. The food was deliciously rich, even better than she had dreamed it to be so many times before.

Marion finished and paid her tab before gathering her belongs and heading out into the night. She didn't think she'd really accomplish much tonight, other than getting accustomed to the city. With no particular plan in mind, the young woman headed deeper into the French Quarter. The city now shrouded in darkness brought a different mood to her surroundings. Neon lights speckled the buildings. The sounds of live music and laughter carried in the air all around her. It was so different than anything she had ever known yet familiar and comforting. The young woman sensed that the answers to her questions lay in slumber, patiently waiting in to be discovered in the darkest corners of the night.

Only a five minute walk, she was soon approaching Jackson Square. Looking up into the night sky high above her loomed the spires of the Saint Louis Cathedral. She took mental notes to stop by there tomorrow when the sun was out. Up ahead, her attention was drawn in by various street performers. They all called out to tourists, offering services and displaying their wares. Marion locked eyes with a fortune teller, summoning her closer with a knowing grin. The young woman stepped forward to turn her down and walk away when the older woman beckoned to her. "Come, sit my child. You arrive at our city with many questions, they weigh heavily on your shoulders. It is your first night, let me help guide you in the right direction." Marion was hesitant, surprised by the lady's accuracy. She relented and sat down at the small circular table.

The fortune teller fanned out her cards on the silk covered table top. "Pick three, my dear." The girl's fingertips hovered over the cards, plucking out the ones she felt the most drawn to. The old woman scooped up the rest of the deck and tucked it away before lining up the chosen few. She made brief eye contact with Marion and smiled warmly before turning over the first card. "Ahhh, the chariot. You have a clear direction you wish to head and the willpower to get there my dear." She laid her fingers over the young woman's, smiling again, "You will find what you are looking for here." The fortune teller kept her hand rested atop Marion's as she flipped over the next card. "The hermit, you have thought about this journey for many years. Your parents will guide you to the truth." The older woman removed her hand, taking with it the warmth.

The girl suddenly felt a chill as the fortune teller turned over the third and final card. "Oh no child, the wheel of fortune, reversed. You must be careful. You cannot control the forces at work here." The old woman placed her hand back on Marion's and searched her eyes. "You must be careful, my dear, you will find the truth but it may well eat you up and spit you back out, ya hear?" The fortune tellers' eyes grew big, fear washing over the etched lines of her face. "He will find you, Marion." The young woman pulled away from the table and abruptly stood.

"How do you know my name?"

"He is coming for you!"

Marion gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. Around her people started to gather and stare, a few laughing in the crowd that was gathering. She pulled a crumpled twenty dollar bill from her purse and dropped it on the table before fleeing beyond the square. She caught the glint of moonlight reflecting off of water just up ahead and started to slow down.

Taking a walk along the river should help me to feel better.

The young lady felt her shoulders start to relax as she passed groups of people and young couples walking along the path of the river's edge. She let out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding as she continued moving along the walkway. The number of people grew to be less and less, the girl didn't notice until she walked past a bench, weighed down by the silhouette of a mysterious figure. Suddenly feeling uneasy, she stopped and looked around. There was nobody else in sight.

How could everyone just... disappear?

The figure appeared to be sitting quite still, unnaturally so. Quietly, she backed up, the sound of her shoes against the asphalt much louder than she'd intended. The figure moved suddenly, and she felt a damp, hot breath upon the nape of her neck.


The young woman shrieked and turned around with a start. Nobody was there. Her heart threatened to gallop out of her chest, she began to walk quickly back towards the French Quarter and the crowds of people.

Fuuuuuck this.

Less than ten feet away from the crowd, the disembodied voice returned.


The girl suddenly realized there couldn't possibly be anyone around, whispering in her ear. Someone was calling to her from within her own mind. Fear trickled down her spine as she ran through the crowds and didn't stop until she had reached her hotel.

Author's Notes

Ah... New Orleans is like a a playground for the senses. Just reading back through this chapter makes me want to make another trip back myself. Sigh..

Well, Marion is obviously in danger here in the city but who could be following her?? Will she head the warning and head back up north to the safety of her family?
Nah... she's too thick headed for that one. Keep reading to find out just how deep she plans to dig that hole!

As always, feedback is welcome, enjoy!

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