After my shower, I expected Luna to be knocked out in bed but she was still up laying on her back and staring at the ceiling.

"Luna?" I say and she sits back up with heavy eyelids. I can tell she's really tired but trying to stay up.

"Baby try to get some sleep, okay. I don't leave for an hour so I can come in and check on you in case you have another nightmare," I tell her and she slowly nods her head yes. I give her a sweet kiss on her lips before tucking her in bed. As soon as she lied her head on the pillow, she immediately fell asleep. I smile seeing her sleeping then head to the closet to change. I make sure to keep the door open in case she starts storing around.

It's been about thirty minutes and she's been sleeping peacefully. I've gotten fully dressed and did a light layer of makeup and my hair. I go to pack my dance bag when I see her breathing really heavy and sweating in her sleep. I go over to check on her to try and soothe whatever nightmare she's having. She seems to be in so much distress so I try to wake her up softly.

"Luna, baby. Wake up," I tell her softly but she doesn't hear me. I take that as a sign that she's tired and try to rock her back to sleep but she pops up in bed frantically.

"Hey, hey it's just me baby. You're okay," I tell her as she's panicking. She glances around the room then at me with scared eyes. After taking a long deep breath, she starts laughing which catches me off guard.

"I'm sorry, just another stupid nightmare," she says waving me off. I hate when she thinks her problems are insignificant or small and tries to play it off but I know her too well to not be concerned.

"Baby," I say while holding onto her gently.

"I swear I'm fine. I needed to get up anyways. I forgot the girls wanted to come over today," she says before shuffling the blanket around so she could crawl out of bed. Before heading out the room, she checks the clock on her phone.

"Why haven't you left yet?" She ask me.

"I was getting ready to leave in a few minutes. Let me stay home with you, please baby. I don't wanna leave you knowing you're not feeling well,"

"No Bada, you're going. I'll get Lusher to drag your ass out of here if need be," she says before heading to the bathroom. I stay in the room conflicted on what to do because how could I just leave her like this. Yeah, the girls will be here but, I don't know I wanna be here for her too. But I know Luna will want me to leave because that's how she is. She puts others before herself and will feel guilty if I don't go.

She comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later and heads to go downstairs. She takes my dance bag with her so I follow her. Luna sets it next to the counter and opens the fridge and take out some ingredients.

"Let me order you some lunch. Just relax today, okay?" I say going up to her near the counter.

"This isn't for me. You haven't eaten anything all day and you don't need to be dancing in an empty stomach. Just eat this before you go or on your way there," she says while cutting up some vegetables.

"Baby," I say to her but she continues to cook.

"Look I know you don't like green foods but you're gonna have to bare with me on this one. I swear you won't even taste them," she says before taking out some ground turkey.

"It's not about that baby. You don't have to make me anything. I'll go pick something up ok. You just go rest," I tell her but she shakes her head no.

"As your designated girlfriend and future baby momma, it is my duty to make sure you eat good food and not just fast food. Your mother would scold me if she knew we eat take out most of the week," Luna says. I love Luna but she can be the most stubborn person sometimes. Trying to oppose her is a task in itself especially when it's for her benefit.

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