752 41 28

*7 years ago*




"He seems to be doing just fine" the doctor said as he moved his light from side to side seeing jisungs eye follow the light.

"Do you remember your name?"

"...j-jisung..Han... Han Jisung"

"Good, now do you remember any of these people?" He said point to his parents and his personal nurse.

"Mom, dad, and... I don't remember I... argh-" he was interrupted by a sharp pain in his head.

"It's ok, don't force yourself to remember. Go ahead and rest for now as I talk to your parents outside" he said leaving the room outside with everyone following behind.

Jisung was now left alone with his nurse. He felt overwhelmed with so many scents around him he recognized two his mom and dad's scent but he couldn't recognize anymore. In total he was only smelled five scents he was confused since it was only four people in his room.

"Ma'am" a faint whisper was heard barely audible.

"Yes, dear?"

"I-I feel something d-dripping down t-there..." he was very shy. He didn't know what was happening or what had happened. All he knew was that he felt uncomfortable.

"Oh, did you potty yourself? Don't feel ashamed many people-"


"Oh, then do you mind if I check?" jisung feeling shy only nodded and let the woman do her job.

"Oh- OH!"

The nurse was surprised. She heard of people like jisung but never thought she would ever have a patient like him.

Jisung was a recessive omega- a male recessive omega at that. It was more common in females to be recessive omegas but it was rare to see a male recessive omega. Recessive omegas were known for being more fertile than regular omegas. They would also produce excessive silk when starting their heat cycle.

"Honey, do you know when your heat cycle starts?"

This confused jisung even more. He was so lost but then remembered his parents telling him at a young age that he was a special type of omega.


Outside his room the doctor was explaining to his family about his condition.

"He seems to remember the basic information of his life. Like you two, his parents but people like friends not much, but with time and interaction with those he was around. His memory should come back to him."

"That's great news doctor, so if he doesn't interact with certain people will he forgot them?"

"Yes, he will need time and patience. Remembering his life might get frustrating for him so I ask for understanding from you."

"Of course, doctor anything....but will he remember...he was..?

"Oh! That, if it is not brought up he shall not remember, but being a recessive omega he will feel the need to take care of a child. So I suggest get him a pet to care of so it won't feel that strange to him. Also I'll prescribe him special suppressants for the intensive heats he will start to experience. Unlike before his heats will more 'difficult' to deal with, but with the right medication he should be just fine."

𝐻𝑖𝑠 𝐶ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑑 - 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑔 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя