The Saber Tooth Squirrels & The Microraptors

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After Gutt was transferred away, Manny and his herd were transferred to Martha's place, and the park's first mammoth was very happy to see others of her kind after so long since she got to the park. Of course since Diego, Shira and Sid are part of Manny's herd, they were staying in the same enclosure, of course the elephants will need to learn on getting used to have their company due to them being either predators or not an elephant or mammoth. Now as for the saber tooth squirrels, Scrat and Scratte, they were chasing each other while trying to get a hold on the acorn that came with them. Scrat tries to get the acorn first, but Scratte was the smarter one of the two and was able to take it away, before she accidentally dropped it somewhere in Nigel's den, where the Park's Microraptors were living. Scrat sees the acorn and tries to get it, but Scratte pulls him by the tail away and she tries to get it herself, before Scrat pulls her away by the tail himself before he tries to get it and the tail pulling starts over again. That was when one of the Microraptors came to the scene and took the acorn away, much to the saber tooth squirrels' shock and dismay. Scrat and Scratte: "Ah!" screamed the squirrels, before they go after the Microraptor in hopes to get their acorn back. When they got to a nest, they see the Microraptor (voiced by Lucy Liu) with the acorn. Microraptor: "Oh hello, I'm one of the Microraptors here, what are your names?" that was when Scrat (voiced by Chris Wedge) and Scratte (voiced by Karen Disher) spoke. Scrat: "I'm Scrat." Scratte: "I'm Scratte." said the saber tooth squirrels, which really surprised each other a lot. Scrat and Scratte: "You talk?!" Scrat: "Well sure I talk, what do you think I am, a dummy?" Scratte: "You said it, I didn't." Scrat: "How come you never spoke before?" Scratte: "Well there was nothing I had to say that you would understand... and there still isn't!" Scrat: "Why you..." Microraptor: "Hey chill it you two, you're in Prehistoric Park now, a place where you can live peacefully, and have a second chance of life." Scratte: "What do you mean?" Microraptor: "Well... your kind are most likely extinct and here you can bring back the population with your mate." Scrat: "But I don't have a mate." Microraptor: "Really?, you mean Scratte here isn't your mate?" Scratte: "Are you kidding me?!, I would never be that rodent's mate!, especially after what happened years ago!" Scrat: "You started it!, making me work like a slave while you did nothing!" Scratte: "Why you..." Microraptor: "Stop it!, both of ya!, I don't know what happened between the two of ya, but don't drag the park or it's residence into it, you two have to learn to get along, as you're the only ones of your kind now." Scrat: "Really?" Microraptor: "That's right, tell you what, if you two learn to get along and stop fighting each other, I'll give you this acorn back, deal?" Scratte: "Hmm... fine, it's a deal." Scrat: "Oh... alright, but keep an eye on her, she's a tricky one." Microraptor: "I make a note on that." Scratte: "Hey, I'm not tricky... at least not to nice uh... what are you called again?" Microraptor: "I'm a Microraptor, a dinosaur from China 120,000,000 BC." Scrat: "China?" Microraptor: "Yeah, you have a lot to learn about the park and the animals in it." said the Microraptor, before she begins giving the two squirrels a little tour around her home, while making sure the pair don't fight one another. She begins telling the pair how Nigel found her and her flock and saving them, along with the herd of Titanosaurs from an erupting volcano, which both Scrat and Scratte found amazing. Scratte: "My goodness... that sounded like there was a lot of danger happening back then..." Microraptor: "Yes... and if it weren't for Nigel and his team... we would be dead now..." Scrat: "And you got your wing hurt in the process?" Microraptor: "Yes, but luckily Miss Suzanne and her team managed to fix up my wing and now I can glide really well once more." Scratte: "That's good to hear." Microraptor: "Yes, what about you two, how did you get here?" Scrat: "Well... I nearly got buried by an avalanche before Nigel came and rescued me, and I thanked him by pointing to the direction where some mammoths were... I followed him a little bit before I ran into Scratte again and we fought for our acorn until some pirate named Gutt came and tried to attack us." Scratte: "Of course that was when the land started to break apart and we nearly fell to the sea when Nigel set up something called a time portal that brought us here to what you call Prehistoric Park." Microraptor: "I see... the world is known to change as time goes by... consider yourself lucky that Nigel came around when he did." Scrat: "Yeah... he's a really nice human... I never thought humans could be so nice... I mean the humans in the Ice Age were more interested in hunting animals than protecting them..." Microraptor: "Yes, well humans have changed as the world did... and the saying could go for the animals too... sometimes for the better or for the worst... depending on the choices they make I guess." Scratte: "Yeah... so... our kind really are extinct now, huh?" Microraptor: "Yes... but that doesn't have to be forever, for you two have each other, you can bring your species back... but that's your decision." said the Microraptor, before Scrat and Scratte looked at each other. Scrat: "Um... Scratte... I'm sorry... for dumping you like that... I just really nutty when it comes to acorns and..." Scratte: "Yeah... I'm sorry too... I get a little nuts with acorns too... and I guess I was kinda mean to you... even when we were together... I hope you can forgive me." Scrat: "Yeah... I forgive ya... if you can forgive me too." Scratte: "Sure..." said Scratte, before she gives the male saber tooth squirrel a big hug, which was a real touching moment that made the Microraptor shed a tear out of her eye. Microraptor: "Wow... that was so touching... it just like some romantic movie..." Scratte: "A what?" Microraptor: "Oh... it's something that modern humans have that they like to watch when they're in the mood for some romance." Scrat: "Really?" Microraptor: "Yeah, I think there are some in Nigel's den, some of them were made by Disney." Scratte: "Who's Disney?" Microraptor: "Um... some human that made a lot of great movies that involves adventures and romance, believe me, they're really fun." said the Microraptor, as she leads the saber tooth squirrels to Nigel's den, where they watch a movie called 'The Aristocats', which they find very interesting and fun to dance to as well. Scrat: "So uh... you want the acorn?" Scratte: "Well... not really... unless we need to eat it." Scrat: "Well... it's just that... I still feel a little guilty for dumping ya over the acorn and... I learned that this world has plenty of acorns... so maybe perhaps it's time we start thinking of other things besides nuts." Scratte: "Yeah... I was thinking the same thing." said Scratte, before she kissed Scrat on the lips, which made him blushed a little and felt a little dizzy.

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