A Lemur In The Insect House

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After transferring the Terror bird back to his enclosure, Bob was on his way to the insect house, unaware of the stowaway in his jeep. By the time the jeep got to the Insect house, Bob noticed something moving under the cloak, before moving it to see Suri the lemur herself. Bob: "What the?!" Suri: "Uh... hi Bob... nice day huh?" Bob: "Suri, what are you doing here?" Suri: "Just wanted to explore, that's all." Bob: "Yeah... I can understand that... at least you weren't Rascal..." Suri: "Who?" Bob: "A certain dinosaur that likes to be a trouble maker... anyway, I need to check on the insect house." Suri: "What's that?" Bob: "It's the place where our prehistoric bugs live as they need a special place that has a high level of oxygen for them." Suri: "What kind of bugs are they?" Bob: "Well... let's just say they're insects from a time that they were the rulers of the earth... which was the time before the dinosaurs first ever appeared." Suri: "Really?, that's pretty cool... are they like the bugs of my time or at least here?" Bob: "Well they're very similar to the insects here... but with one major difference... which was their size." Suri: "What do you mean?" Bob: "Well... you might get a better idea if I show ya... but be careful, one of them has venom." said Bob, before he leads Suri into the Insect house, which was big and full of large plants, not to mention that the oxygen level was much higher than outside. Suri: "Where are the bugs?, I don't see any..." Bob: "They're here, just hiding at the moment, oh there's one of them." said Bob, pointing up, before he and Suri see what looked like a giant dragonfly, much to the lemur's surprise. Suri: "Whoa!, that dragonfly is huge!" Bob: "Yes, the insects here were from a time from insects were not only the rulers of the planet, but were also huge due to the high level of oxygen." Suri: "Really?, that's amazing... but what's oxygen." Bob: "It's a word for the air we breathe." Suri: "Oh... so the rich air made the bugs bigger?" Bob: "That's right, and if you think the Dragonfly here is hug... wait till you see the others." Suri: "Others?" Bob: "Yes... and there's one of them now." said Bob, pointing down at the large Scorpion, which made Suri a bit nervous because of it's claws and stinger. Suri: "That one looks dangerous..." Bob: "Yes... that's a scorpion, a member of the arachnid family, like spiders of ticks... it uses that stinger to defend itself from foes while the claws are used to crush it's prey." Suri: "Oh my..." said Suri as she climbs up to Bob's shoulder. Bob: "Don't worry, as long as we don't bother her, we'll be fine." Suri: "Got it... so is that all of them?" Bob: "Well there's one more, and he's the biggest one of all." said Bob, before a large millipede came to the scene, and the sight of it spooked the lemur. Suri: "Ahh!" Bob: "It's okay!, the Arthropleura is actually a vegetarian, meaning he eats only plants." Suri: "Really?, like Baylene or Aladar?" Bob: "That's right, and this big guy is actually very friendly, try feeding him with this leaf." said Bob, as he gives Suri a leaf, before she gives the leaf to the Arthropleura, who stood up to feed on the leaf, and the lemur could help but giggle. Suri: "He sure has a lot of legs." Bob: "Yes he does, it's a good thing he doesn't wear shoes, otherwise there would be a hug bill for them." said Bob with a chuckle. Suri: "Uh... what are shoes?" Bob: "Oh, these things we wear on our feet to protect them from hard or sharp things on the ground." Suri: "Oh... I was wondering what those things on Nigel's feet were..." Bob: "I'll bet you did..." said Bob, before Suri found something in the man's pocket and took it out. It was a box of matches and Suri took out a stick and begins to rub it on the sandpaper part of the box, before the match caught on fire, much to the lemur's shock. Suri: "Ahh!" Bob: "No!" but too late, the match fell to the ground and begins to burn, causing a fire to spread. Fortunately for them, the insect house's sprinklers turned on and the water puts out the fire just in the nick of time. After leaving the insect house, Bob took out some towels to dry himself and Suri from the water of the sprinklers. Suri: "Sorry Bob... I didn't mean to cause that fire..." Bob: "That's okay Suri, you were just curious... but be careful not to play with matches next time, they can be dangerous." Suri: "Got it..." Bob: "And another thing, make sure not to make fire in the Insect house, as due to the higher level of oxygen, the fire in there can burn much faster." Suri: "Roger that." that was when Nigel and Plio came to the scene. Nigel: "Looks like we found her." Plio: "Suri, where have you been?, I've been looking everywhere." Suri: "Sorry mom, I just wanted to explore, and I learned a lot from Mr Bob about the bugs in that Insect house." Bob: "Yup, and learned not to play with matches." Nigel: "Do I need to ask?" Bob: "It's better if you don't." Nigel: "Gotcha..." Plio: "Well at least everyone's safe, now let's get back home, everyone's waiting for you." Suri: "Yeah, I can't wait to tell them what I learned here." said Suri, as she and her mom leaped away from the scene.

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