Exploring Around The Park

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After arriving to the park, Flia begins to explore the whole park, and Nigel was following her in his van. Flia: "Wow... this place sure is a sight to behold..." said Flia, before she sees something down blow that surprised her, before making a landing next to Nigel, who was looking at what the pterosaur was seeing. Nigel: "Ah, I see you noticed the Titanosaurs." Flia: "Is that what they are?, I thought they were the same species as Baylene... I mean they look similar to her..." Nigel: "Yes, I suppose they do, as they're both members of the sauropod family... dinosaurs that are large and have long necks like giraffes." Flia: "I see... um... what's a giraffe?" Nigel: "Uh... it's a mammal with a long neck." Flia: "So they're like mammal version of sauropods?" Nigel: "Yes in a way, you can find them here in the region of Africa or in zoos." Flia: "Zoos?" Nigel: "Yes... I guess I have a lot to teach ya about this era..." said Nigel, as he guides Flia to the enclosures of the park, like the ones with Theo the Triceratops, or the one with Martha the wooly mammoth with the elephants, which Flia found interesting as she never knew mammals have evolved so much since after her time. Flia: "Hey Nigel, I couldn't help but noticed that Martha looked a little similar to the elephant herd, but diffeent as well..." Nigel: "That's because she's a wooly mammoth, an Ice Age relative of the elephants, and she lives with the elephants so she could eat." Flia: "What do you mean?" Nigel: "Well... when she first arrived here, she was the only mammoth around, and like elephants, the females normally live in herds, but because she was alone, she was lonely and refused to eat, so we moved her into the elephant herd to have companionship." Flia: "I can understand that... some like to live on their own, but there are others who want to be with others so they can have someone to talk to or play with or other things... but were the elephants really right for her?" Nigel: "Well they were the closest thing we have that's close to a mammoth, and because Martha was the only one around, we didn't had much choice, but it turned out well in the end." said Nigel, before they went passed the area full of crocodiles, and then got to a lake where it was home to a certain reptile that lives in the water. Flia: "Um Nigel... this place is called Deinosuchus Dip... what's a Deinosuchus?" Nigel: "You know those crocodiles we passed not too long ago?, while the Deinosuchus is like a crocodile... that's 50 feet long and weighed up to 9 tons." Flia: "Whoa... it must be pretty big... it might hunt dinosaurs..." Nigel: "Yes, as a matter of fact, it does hunt dinosaurs." Flia: "But if that's true, why bring it here?" Nigel: "Prehistoric Park was meant for not just plant eaters, but predators too, even the big ones, and Deinosuchus is no exception to that list." Flia: "Say Nigel... how many big predator dinosaurs you have here...?" Nigel: "Um... not many actually, aside from the Carnotaurus recently, there is the T-Rex twins, Terrence and Matilda." Flia: "T-Rex?" Nigel: "Yeah, I can show ya." said Nigel, before he guides Flia to T-Rex Hill, which is the home of the T-Rex twins. When they got there, they see a divided wall in the middle of the enclosure, keeping an angry female T-Rex named Matilda (voiced by Beyoncé Knowles-Carter), away from her younger brother Terrence (voiced by Donald Glover), who keeping his distance. Matilda: "Mark my words Terrence... I will tear you apart sooner or later!" Terrence: "Oh yeah?, well forget it!, you can't through this wall!, and even if you tried the humans will come and stop you again!" Matilda: "Let them try!, for I'm gonna eat them alive!" Terrence: "Why would you do that?, they took care of us!" Matilda: "Whatever!" Nigel: "Terrence!, Matilda!, keep it down." called out Nigel, which caught the attention of the twins. Terrence: "Oh... Nigel... it's you... how long have you been standing there?" Nigel: "Long enough to know you're fighting one another again." Terrence: "I wasn't trying to, Matilda was..." Nigel: "I know, come on Matilda, why do you hate your brother so much?, I mean when you first arrived here, you two were never separated." Matilda: "Well he started it!" Terrence: "Did not!, you were the one who was snapping at me all because I was complaining about the heatwave!" Matilda: "I was also complaining how you get more meat than I am!" Terrence: "Not true!, your half it larger than mine, fatso!" Matilda: "Why you little..." Nigel: "Quit it you two!, is this the kind of behavior your mother wanted you to have with each other?!" called out Nigel, which made the T-Rex pair paused and looking down in shame, remembering how their mother told them not to fight with each other all the time long ago, while Flia looked at them in confusion. Terrence: "You're right Nigel... I'm sorry..." Matilda: "Yeah... I guess she wouldn't..." Nigel: "Good, now please try to get along more often, and maybe one day you could have the whole enclosure again." Matilda and Terrence: "Yes Nigel... we understand..." Nigel: "Good..." said Nigel, before Flia came up to him. Flia: "Nigel... what exactly happened to their mother?" Nigel: "Well... she was killed in a fight with another male T-Rex for a dead Ornithomimus, and those two became orphans after that... apparently she was the only one who kept the pair from killing one another in the past... before I found them and bought them to the park just before the meteor hit..." Flia: "And they were only little when it happened?, I never thought I would feel so sorry for predators..." Nigel: "Yes... they're not evil monsters, just animals that are trying to stay alive like you and me and the others..." Flia: "I guess you're right..." Nigel: "Now then... let's continue the tour." said Nigel, before he gets back on his jeep and Flia flies off to follow him to explore the rest of the park. The meet the other animals on the way, like the Elasmotherium and the Ornithomimus for example, and then it wasn't long before they got to a certain enclosure that was new, and Bob was there with some workers. Bob: "Hey Nigel... perfect timing, you're about to witness the Carnotaurus about to move into his new home." Nigel: "Really?, well this should be exciting." Flia: "Uh... you mean this is where the Carnotaurus will live?" Bob: "Yeah, but don't worry, we'll make sure he won't cause trouble." soon, a truck came and some men opened up the gate, and once the truck was unloaded, the Carnotaurus came out, and begins to explore his new home. Nigel: "Wow... Diablo sure is something..." Flia: "Who?" Nigel: "Well I sometimes give names to some of the animals that come here and I wanted to give this guy a name, and the best one I could think of is Diablo." Bob: "Yeah... perfect name for a devil like him, that's for sure." said Bob, unaware that Diablo (voiced by Idris Elba) was thinking of a plan... an evil. Diablo: "So... they think these place can keep me from my meals eh?, well they're dead wrong... I'll be out soon enough... and then get my revenge on that accursed Iguanodon... but now I have to be patient... wait for the right time... yes..." said Diablo with an evil chuckle.

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