The Pirate & The Devil

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Somewhere in the park, there was a new enclosure that was not only home to some silver back gorillas, but Captain Gutt as well, who was trying to find a way to escape and get his revenge on Manny and his herd. Outside of the ape enclosure, Scrat and Scratte were looking for a place to bury their acorn. Scratte: "You're sure that this is a good spot?" Scrat: "Well not really, but we need to store it somewhere." said Scrat, before he pushes the acorn into the ground. Suddenly, a big crack was formed from the hole where the acorn was, and the crack reached to the wall of the ape enclosure, creating a large hole on the wall. Scratte: "I'm beginning to think that this acorn is a disaster maker..." Scrat: "Funny... I was thinking the same thing..." said the saber tooth squirrels, before a shadow appeared from the other side of the wall, and walked out of the hole to reveal that it was Captain Gutt himself, smiling evilly. Gutt: "Yes... free at last!, now I can finally make that mammoth pay!" said Gutt, as he runs off from the Ape enclosure and begins searching for Manny and his herd, much to the saber tooth squirrels' shock and horror. Scrat: "Oh no... what have we done?!" Scratte: "We?!, you were the one who thought this was a good spot to bury the acorn!" Scrat: "Oh... good point... why does a disaster always come whenever I try to bury my nut?!, I just wanted to store food... is that too much to ask?!" Scratte: "Come on, we gotta warn Nigel and the others!" Scrat: "Uh... right, let's go!" yelped Scrat, as he and Scratte run off to find Nigel and warn him about Gutt's escape. Meanwhile, Gutt was still searching for the herd, but no luck so far. He did however finds an enclosure that belongs to a certain devil of a dinosaur, Diablo the Carnotaurus himself. Gutt gasped in fear and amazement by the sight of Diablo, for he had never seen anything like him before. Diablo: "Well... it seems I have a visitor... one that's not a human..." Gutt: "My... you're a sight to behold, Mr..." Diablo: "They call me... Diablo the Carnotaurus..." Gutt: "Ah... that's quite a scary name... I like it... as for me... I am Captain Gutt... wanna know how I got my name?, it's because of my claws." said Gutt, showing the dinosaur his claws. Diablo: "Ah... I see..." Gutt: "Oh... so you figured it out quickly, you're not only big and strong looking, but smart too... you know... I would love to have you by my side." Diablo: "I don't take orders from anyone... besides, I have a goal on making a certain Iguanodon pay for nearly killing me in a cave and that cliff..." Gutt: "What a coincidence... I have a score to settle with someone too... a mammoth that took everything from me." Diablo: "Hmm... is he in the park?" Gutt: "Well I followed him here, so yes." Diablo: "Hmm... tell you what, if you help me get revenge on the Iguanodon, I'll help you get revenge on the mammoth, deal?" Gutt: "...Ha, ha... deal." said Gutt, before he opens the enclosure's gate, freeing Diablo, who then lets out a mighty and terrifying roar that echoed throughout the whole park. Meanwhile, at Nigel's den, Scrat and Scratte came over to Nigel, who was surprised to see the pair. Nigel: "Scrat, Scratte, what's wrong?" Scrat: "I'm so sorry Nigel!, I was only trying to bury the acorn and then... a crack was formed and..." Scratte: "Gutt has escaped!" Nigel: "Oh no... are you sure?" Scratte: "I'm afraid so... we're so sorry Nigel... it was an accident!" Nigel: "I'm sure it was, but never mind that, we need to find him fast." Scratte: "Well that shouldn't be a problem, for he would no doubt go after the mammoths." Nigel: "Oh yeah... that's right... I gotta call Bob right away." said Nigel, before he picks up his radio to warn Bob about Gutt's escape. Suddenly, he hears the sound of Diablo's roar, which wasn't coming from his enclosure as it normally would. Scrat: "What was that?" Nigel: "Oh no... something tells me that Gutt's the only one who broke out..." said Nigel, before he runs off to his jeep. Meanwhile at Mammoth mount, Gutt came with an evil smile, while the herd glared at him. Gutt: "You're about to suffer as I did." Manny: "What makes you think that when we got you outnumbered?" Gutt: "Who said it was just me this time... everyone... meet my new friend... Diablo!" called out Gutt, before Diablo came to the scene, charging towards the herd with a mighty roar that scared the elephants away, while Manny was using his tusks to drove the predator away from his family. Diablo: "Either you're very brave, or very stupid to face me like this." Manny: "I'm not gonna let some dinosaur with horns harm my family!, and you're not the first one I had to fight either." Diablo: "Then let me be the last one as you're about to die." said Diablo, before a stone hits him on the side of the head, which caught his attention and sees that it was Peaches who threw it. Peaches: "Leave my dad alone!, you overgrown lizard!" Diablo: "Mammal... you're gonna regret that..." Manny: "Peaches run!" called Manny, before Peaches makes a run for it and Diablo chases after her. Sid: "We gotta save her!" Diego: "How?, we're no match for that thing..." Manny: "Have you forgotten that we dealt with Rudy?" Diego: "Well it was the Dinosaur mom that defeated Rudy, and she was much bigger than we were." Ellie: "Never mind that, Peaches is in trouble!" Manny: "She's right!, come on!" said Manny, as he and his herd ran off after Diablo and Peaches, unaware that Gutt was chasing after them as well.

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