Rascal & The Raptor

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In a dark and stormy night at Prehistoric Park, everyone was taking shelter from the rain, and felt a little unease due to the lightning and thunder. Unaware to anyone, there was something dangerous roaming around the park, something that has not walked the earth for 65 million years. When morning came, the staff went to the food storage building, where most of the for the animals of the park, especially the meat for the predators, only to find that someone or something broke into it last night and took some of the meat. Nigel and Bob went to investigate, before finding some tracks on the ground. Bob: "Look at this... are you thinking it's him too?" Nigel: "Who?" Bob: "That Troodon Rascal." Nigel: "Hmm... maybe... but there was no report of his escape... and not only that... these tracks look a little bigger that his own..." Bob: "But there are no other creatures in the park that make tracks like these, so he must be the culprit." Nigel: "Let's find out for sure." said Nigel, before he and Bob left the food storage building and went to the special enclosure that was built for Rascal (voiced by Greg Cipes) the Troodon, the one who nearly caused a Jurassic Park incident in the wildlife sanctuary. Rascal: "Well look who decided to visit... the creatures you locked me in here..." Bob: "Alright Rascal, tell us how did you get out?" Rascal: "What are you talking about?, I haven't got out of here since I got here." Bob: "Don't play dumb with us!, we know it was you who stole some meat from the food storage." Rascal: "What makes you think it was me?" Bob: "Cause we found your tracks there." Rascal: "What?, but they couldn't have been mine, I haven't left this place, honest." Bob: "Come on Rascal, we all know you like to cause trouble, like what happened when you came here." Rascal: "You're still mad about that?, first off, that was an accident, and second, I didn't steal the meat in the storage." Bob: "Quit lying Rascal, or no meat for the day!" Rascal: "But I keep telling ya, I didn't do it!" Nigel: "Bob... I just got word from one of the staff members... they managed to catch the thief on the security cams and... well... they said they want us to see it." Bob: "Alright." said Bob, before he and Nigel leave the Troodon enclosure and went to the place of the park where there were computers that shows what the camera around the park show, and then they see a recording of the food storage, where they see the real thief, which was not Rascal but a Velociraptor, and a female to add that. Suzanne: "That's not Rascal... but it looks similar..." Nigel: "It's a Velociraptor... it looks just like the one I've seen during my trip to the Nesting Grounds..." Bob: "But how did it get here?, and without our knowledge?" Nigel: "Yes... that's we're gonna find out." Suzanne: "But we need to be careful, Velociraptors are very dangerous predators." Bob: "Yeah, but without a pack, it can't do a lot of damage... can it?" Nigel: "Well Rascal was able to pull that off, so maybe it can... but let's get it before that happens." so with that, Nigel and the others begin their search for the Velociraptor, in hopes to catch it before it causes an incident. Meanwhile, in the Troodon enclosure, Rascal was not feeling happy as he got blamed for something he didn't even do, before he hears the sound of something coming. Rascal went to take a closer look and sees the Velociraptor (voiced by Ashley Johnson), who was curious by the sight of the Troodon. Velociraptor: "Another raptor?" Rascal: "Uh... not exactly... I'm a Troodon... name's Rascal by the way... hey... you got the same killer toes as I do..." Velociraptor: "Yes, so it seems... my name is Vela, and I'm a Velociraptor... why do you look so down?" Rascal: "Well earlier I was blamed for stealing some meat from the food storage, but it wasn't me, though they think so as whoever did it had the same kind of feet like mine and... wait... your feet... it was you?!" Vela: "Guilty as charge... sorry about that, but I needed something to eat... ever since I got here, I've been hiding." Rascal: "How did you get here?" Vela: "Well..." said Vela, before a flashback came and showed the moment when Aladar's herd was running through the portal to escape certain doom of the meteor impact, which showed Vela getting separated from her pack and followed the herd into the portal and ended up in the park. However, she managed to avoid getting seen and ran off to who knows where in the park, hiding from the humans since then, before the flashback came to an end. Rascal: "So you've been alone since?" Vela: "Yes, which is not good for pack hunters like me... I noticed that you don't have a pack either." Rascal: "Yeah... it's just been me here... and with no way out..." Vela: "Maybe no way out from the inside... but what about the outside?" said Vela, before she looks around and sees a barn door bar lock on the gate. Once she lifts it up, the gate was opened, allowing Rascal to be free again. Rascal: "Alright!, free again!" Vela: "Ready to have some fun?" Rascal: "You bet I do." said Rascal, before he and Vela ran off to who knows where, before a park staff worker finds the enclosure empty and went to his radio to alert Nigel and the others about Rascal being on the loose. Flia and Aladar have joined Nigel to begin searching for either Rascal or the Velociraptor. Nigel: "It was really nice of you to help, but you didn't had to." Flia: "Well we owe ya a big debt for saving us back in the past, and we know how dangerous the raptor is." Aladar: "Plus we can't risk of either of them getting to the herd either." Nigel: "Fair enough." said Nigel, before Bob came to the scene. Bob: "Nigel!, we just located both Rascal and the raptor, but the problem is... they're at Deinosuchus Dip..." Nigel: "Oh no... we gotta get them before it's too late..." Flia: "Deinosuchus... as in the big reptile in the lake?" Nigel: "That's right." Flia: "Uh oh..." Aladar: "Hurry!" so with that, the group were on their way. Meanwhile, at Deinosuchus Dip, Rascal and Vela were having a drink, before Rascal smelled something that he hasn't smelled in a while, but was still fresh in his mind, which made him panic. Rascal: "Oh my gosh!, Vela, get away from the water!" Vela: "What's wrong?" Rascal: "There's a Deinosuchus here!" Vela: "What's that?" asked Vela, before the Deinosuchus herself burst out of the water in attempts to attack the pair. Fortunately the pair managed to dodge just in time, but Vela fell into the water and was now scared by the sight of the approaching prehistoric crocodile. Before the croc could attack again however, Aladar came to the scene and caught the raptor by the tail, pulling her out just in the nick of time. The Deinosuchus hissed at the Iguanodon, who roared back, forcing the croc to retreat back into the water. Rascal went over to Vela, checking to see if she was okay. Rascal: "Vela!, are you alright?" Vela: "I think so... but what happened?" Rascal: "That dinosaur just saved your life..." said Rascal, before Vela looks up and sees Aladar himself. Vela: "Wait... you're the Iguanodon with the mammals on your back..." Aladar: "Hmm?... wait... you're one of those raptors that attacked me and my family..." Vela: "It was nothing personal... a predator needs to eat... but tell me... why did you save me?" Aladar: "Cause it was the right thing to do, plus in Prehistoric Park, all life here is important." said Aladar, before Nigel came to the scene. Nigel: "Nice work Aladar... hello there, so you're the one who stole the meat... you were just hungry, right?" Vela: "Yeah... and the meat here tasted a little different compared to what I was used to... everything here is so different..." Nigel: "Don't worry, we'll help ya get used to living here, and I see you made a friend out of Rascal here." Vela: "Yeah, he's kind of like a raptor in a way... and he doesn't have a pack of his own..." Nigel: "Well in that case... how about you two share the Troodon enclosure." Rascal: "You mean... she can live with me?" Nigel: "That is if you don't mind." Rascal: "Not at all, it would be nice to have someone around." Nigel: "Good to hear... to be honest, I always wanted to have a raptor in Prehistoric Park, but never got the chance... but now it looks like we finally have one." Vela: "I guess so... my name is Vela by the way." Nigel: "Nice to meet you Vela, I'm Nigel, found and animal rescuer of Prehistoric Park." some time later, the raptor and Troodon were moved back to their enclosure, and they were getting their meat at last. Rascal: "I gotta admit, this spot isn't so bad once you get used to it, especially when you got someone hang out with." Vela: "Yeah, we might not be the same, but close enough." Rascal: "Yeah... I guess..." Vela: "Is something wrong?" Rascal: "It's just... I'm really sorry about what happened earlier... with the Deinosuchus... I should have warned you sooner... but I had no idea there was one here..." Vela: "Don't blame yourself, as least neither of us got eaten." Rascal: "Yeah, I think it's better if we don't explore any places other than here for a while." Vela: "Yeah... but we will get out again, right?" Rascal: "Yeah... and then cause some mischief." said Rascal with a mischievous smile, while Vela did the same.

Animals rescued: Velociraptor: 1 female.

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