The Truth & The Park

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Inside the cave, Aladar, Nigel and the others continued to walk inside the cave, in hopes to find another way out. Zini: "Okay... I spy with my little eye..." Yar: "A rock." Zini: "You got it again, boy you are good." Yar: "Well that's because there's nothing in here but rocks." Emma: "Well let me tell you what I spy... a dead end..." said Emma, as she and the others stopped to see a dead end in front of them. Yar: "What do we do now?" Aladar: "I guess we should just go back..." Zini: "Wait... I smell air... coming from the other side of these rocks!" said Zini, as he digs up some rocks, and a big hole with light shining through it was formed. Emma: "Get a load of that!" Baylene: "Good show!" Aladar: "Everybody stand back, we're out of here!" Nigel: "How about we all do it together." Baylene: "Should we?" Flia: "We might get out of here faster." Emma: "Well then... let's do this!" said Emma, before she and the others went to use their heads or feet to bash into the rocks, making a big opening that showed what was on the other side. Baylene: "Oh dear..." said Baylene, as she and the others see a wasteland of a valley on the other side. Emma: "It can't be... no that's impossible..." Suri: "What is this?" Emma: "This used to be the Nesting Grounds... but it couldn't be..." Baylene: "How could this be...?" Flia: "It looks even sadder the second time..." Nigel: "Yeah..." Emma: "Wait... you two seen the valley and never told us?!" Nigel: "We didn't knew how to tell you... we're very sorry..." Yar: "So we came all the way here for nothing..." Plio: "Not really... at least we still have each other." Suri: "Yeah, mom's right about that." Flia: "But what are we gonna do now?, without the valley... there's no hope for any of us..." Nigel: "Not true... for you got me here." Emma: "How could you help us?" Nigel: "Well... I think it's time I told you something I should have told you all long ago... I'm from not only another place... but another time... like 65,000,000 years of the future." Flia: "What?" Zini: "What are you talking about?" Nigel: "I have a device that allows me to travel through time... and I've been using it to rescue creatures from the brink of extinction... like the dinosaurs for example... and put them in a place called Prehistoric Park, the ultimate wildlife sanctuary... which is why I came here in the first place, to rescue some dinosaurs before the second meteor hits." Suri: "Meteor?" Nigel: "The fire ball you speak of." Zini: "Wait... you mean there's another fire ball coming?!" Nigel: "Yes... and quite soon perhaps... and it will end the era of Dinosaurs everywhere..." Emma: "Then we're done for..." Nigel: "Not quite, for I'm getting you guys to safety in the park." Flia: "But how?" Nigel: "Like I said before, I have a device that will get us to the park, let me show you." said Nigel, before he puts two silver sticks onto the ground, picks up a remote, and then the time portal opens, much to the group's surprise. Emma: "Get a load of that!" Baylene: "It looks like water... yet it's not..." Suri: "It's beautiful..." Yar: "Is it safe?" Nigel: "Of course, I used it many times before, now come on everyone." said Nigel, before he and the group slowly walked through the portal and made it to the park, where Bob and Suzanne were waiting. Bob: "You got the herd?" Nigel: "Not exactly, just a few samples of it." Bob: "My word... another sauropod?!, Nigel!" Suzanne: "Wow... it's bigger than the Titanosaurs..." Bob: "Yeah..." Nigel: "Bob, Suzanne, I like you to meet Aladar, Flia, Plio, Yar, Zini, Suri, Emma, Baylene and Url, everyone, this is Bob, the park's head keeper, and Suzanne the head vet, she's in charge of making sure you're healthy." Suri: "Hi." Suzanne: "Whoa... a talking lemur... these special hearing aids really work." Bob: "Yeah... that's a real surprise..." Zini: "What do they mean by that?" Nigel: "Well the thing is, humans can't be able to understand animal speak, but thanks to these devices on our ears, we can communicate with other animals like you." Emma: "Really?, well that's interesting... I was wondering what that thing on your ears were..." Nigel: "Anyway... Bob and Suzanne will get you to your new home in the park soon, I'm going back." Baylene: "Back where?" Nigel: "To the past, for the herd is still there." Aladar: "Then let me go with you." Flia: "And me too." Nigel: "No thanks, I managed to do missions on my own before." Aladar: "But Nigel, Neera is in that herd, and I can't just sit here and do nothing." Flia: "Same with me." Nigel: "Well... alright... but try not to get hurt." Aladar: "I'll try... anyway, we gotta tell Kron about the valley, and about this place." Emma: "Wait a minute Aladar!, Kron will eat you alive!" Aladar: "Let him try, but I gotta do something." Flia: "You mean 'we' gotta do something." Aladar: "Yeah." said Aladar, before he and Flia followed Nigel back to the portal and into the past, while the others remained in the park. Emma: "Oh I hope Kron has a listening mood..." said Emma, concern about what Kron will do when Nigel, Aladar and Flia find him and the herd. Bob: "Come on everyone, it's time for you to go to your new home." said Bob, before he and the staff lead the group to their new home in the park. Back in the past, Nigel and Aladar managed to get through the cave in and got out of the cave, while Flia tries to tell Kron about the state of the valley. Flia: "I'm telling ya, the valley is a wasteland now... I seen it with my own eyes." Kron: "Wrong!, our future is on the other side!" Flia: "Even if the valley was still full of life, you can't get to the other side of these rocks!" said Flia, pointing at the large piles of rocks that were blocking the entrance to the valley. Neera: "Kron, I think we should listen." Kron: "No!, I am the leader, I'll decide if the valley is dead or not!" shouted Kron in annoyance. Meanwhile, Aladar and Nigel were on their to the herd when they see that the Carnotaurus from last night was nearby. They try their best to sneak away without being spotted, but it didn't matter for the predator has found the herd's tracks and begins to follow them.

Animals rescued: Iguanodon: 1 male/ Styracosaurus: 1 female/ Brachiosaurus: 1 female/ Ankylosaurus: 1 male/ Notharctus: 2 males, 2 females/ Geosternbergia: 1 female.

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