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Ok so this is before everything that happened with Vox in the last chapter and this is continued from when husk was in his office, reading angels letter also..

WARNING: this chapter contains sexual activity, if you want to skip those parts there will be an emoji, "❤️‍🔥" at the beginning and end of those scene. Enjoy :)

~husks pov~

"He...wants to date me?" I accidentally say out loud. I..why does he want to date me? I'm not..he's..ugh..I do really want to date him of course! But...I don't.....deserve someone like him..he's to good more me. Ugh what am I thinking. Of course I want to date him and I will.

I stand up and gently fold angels letter and put it in my bottom drawer. I then pull out a piece of paper and a pen, also a pair of glasses cuz I can't see shit when I'm writing without them. I then begin writing a letter back.

"Angel, I would love to spend the rest of my afterlife with you as well. you're an amazing, beautiful, loving and kind person and I'd go to heaven and back for you...even if your annoying as fuck, I love you too. So yes, of course I'll be your boyfriend.       P.S- Why tf are you writing a letter to me?? Don't phones exist for a reason lmao. I'm not complaining I mean the note was cute af
                                   -Husk🐾        "

.....does that sound to corny? Nah........Yeah? I-I don't know..I'm just..what if I mess everything up with this letter? No..I won't. Just..just go give it to him, stop overthinking this shit. I love him and he loves me...but why? Stop thinking that shit and just give him the fucking paper already.

I get up and walk out to the bar, where angel was. Angel was working there since my good for nothing bartender didn't show up yet again, fucking Steve. Anyways I walk over there and as I'm walking past the bar I nonchalantly slide the note on the counter as I continue to walk away. Why the fuck did I do that? Whatever. After I walked away I went over to the main doors and watched angel slightly as he read my note. As soon as he opened it he started blushing.

After I saw he opened it I got nervous as fuck and just went back to my office so he didn't see me. After I was in my office I locked my door and sat back down. For Lucifer's sake..why am I acting like a middle school girl that just gave a confession letter to her crush? I know he loves me and I do why am I so fuckin nervous?

After a couple minutes of me going inside my office, about three. I hear loud footsteps quickly getting closer to my office. I get curious and confused so I got up out of my chair and walked to the door so I could see what it was. As I was about to open the door in gets flung open and I get tackled by a screaming angel dust. "HUSKYY!!!!!!!!" Angel screams as he tackles me to the ground, hugging me. "W-whats wrong??" I ask as he starts kissing my cheek repeatedly and't seem like anything is wrong, but I'll still ask..

"Nothing! I'm just so fuckin happy your ma boyfriend now, you big loser!!" Angel says happily as he still hugs me tightly. I laugh and hug him back as he continues to kiss my cheek. After another moment of keeping our hug alive angel gets up, extending his hand out to me to help me up.Well..let's go back to work Huska" angels says, smiling at me. I chuckle and then grab his hand, standing up with him. Angels leans down and squeezes me tightly one more time before he walks out the door with my hand intertwined with his. After we got out to the lobby he gently let go and went to the card games to convince some customers to spend more money...oh shit..I really love him..

~no one's pov~

Husk went to the bar to serve customers since his bartender didn't show up for the 5th time this week. After about an hour of them both working angel walks into the broom closet and closes the door behind him. After a few minutes husk wants to know what angel is doing in there so he walk in and sees Vox crying on the floor and angel trying to comfort him.

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