Chapter 9: Fleeting Love

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Xornoth had long since left me alone.

In all honesty I was quite glad he did. It was odd (and frankly overwhelming) to see him worry so much. Over me. Worry when the amount of times they had bedridden me in battle was innumerable. But that was before... still, it was hard to forget. 

Even though all of that seemed foggy. 

I sighed quietly to myself, nestling my shoulders and neck up against the stacked pillows behind me, adjusting the collar of the t-shirt Xornoth had grabbed for me to wear several minutes previously. 

I was still shaken. From what, I didn't know. I hadn't had many nightmares since I had arrived here...or...maybe I had. There were a few nights that I had woken up in cold sweat, unable to breathe. But I couldn't recall what those dreams had been about either. 

I settled further down, closing my eyes. I felt exhausted, like I had run miles before waking up in my bed. I wanted to go back to sleep, but there was a haunting feeling in the back of my head...that I'd fall right back into what I had woken up from, so desperate to escape.

My eyes snapped open again as I heard the creak of my door opening. Was Xornoth back?

I realized quickly that it wasn't my brother.

My mother stepped into the room near silently, letting the door shut quietly behind her. My jaw tensed within seconds, but I forced it to relax as her pale eyes glanced me over from behind the lenses of her glasses. 

She seemed...tired. Like she hadn't slept well. Her hair was in a simple plait, but a couple of hardly noticeable curls were out of place, and the light grey dress she wore was a slip-on, no fancy extravagant detailing or flowing sleeves. Close to a nightgown, but not quite such. Slight bags beneath her eyes were cleverly covered up both by her expression and makeup, but even I could see through it. 

"Xor told me you had woken up." She said, her voice dipping the slightest, speaking softly. 

I pressed my lips into a line, nodding as I pushed myself up into a seated position again, still leaning against the headboard for support. I tensed as she sat down on the edge of my bed, so close to me, shoulder also brushing the headboard. 

A hidden frown laced Queen Pandora's lips, only visible by the faint line along the side of her mouth that disappeared as soon as it had come. "How're you feeling?"

I blinked. "What?"

"Well, you fainted minutes after shouting at your father, and then woke up screaming," My mother stated rather flatly. "I'm only curious to know if you're alright or if I should send notices to those in the Overgrown that we'll be coming."

I swallowed thickly. "I'm fine." I replied, shifting a bit uncomfortably under her gaze.

She raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Are you positive? I'm sure Princess Katherine would be quite happy to see you."

I shook my head. "I'm okay." I repeated a bit quickly. "No need. Just...I don't know." I sighed, catching my lip between my teeth as I stared into my lap. "I'm just tired."

"Hm." My mother exclaimed, still seeming to disbelieve me. "If you're certain that's all."

"I am." 

Her mild concern was strange. I wanted it to go away. At least, I think I did.

"Well then, I'll address the other matter at hand." Pandora said, dismissing the previous subject. 

"What matter?" I asked, scooting to sit up a little better, only to have my mother press down on my shoulder with one of her hands. 

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