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In a dark, shapeless world, where no man nor elf has stepped foot, stood two figures. 

Two that hadn't seen each other face to face for centuries, though tangled in a feud so great it bound more than just themselves, twisting and destroying the lives of others. 

Parallel they stood, though their bodies took no form in this strange in between realm that neither could be seen nor was shrouded in darkness. It was simply there, and so were they.

"What do you want?" The first and older of the two asked fiercely, his voice commanding and regal, like a scepter one would use to command a court or to sentence one to their fate. Almost like a beam of sunlight that spread warmth in a neglected room, making it seem beautiful, bathed in the golden stream of heaven. 

"Well, whatever could you mean by that?" The second asked playfully, almost tauntingly, their voice cold but not like ice. Cold like they had been shredded of empathy only to be left with the corpse of a being, cold like death, as if you had reached out and touched the wrist of one who was taken from the land of the living long ago...

"Do not toy with me, I know all of your tricks so try one with me and I will send you straight back to that hell where you belong." The first replied, a threatening growl growing in the back of his throat just underneath his stern tone. 

"Oh, I highly doubt you know all of them, dear brother," The younger teased, moving gracefully to walk in an arc around the older, swerving like a raven in flight. "I believe I have a few new ones you may enjoy~" 

"My patience is running thin." The other said sharply. "You have no purpose, nor reasoning, yet you still taunt me. You have said it yourself, you have won, have you not?"

"I consider it...a draw," the second mused, a sly grin spreading across their thin, skull-like face. 

"And why is that? They are dead, just as you wanted."

"Oh, it was never my intention for them to die...but you know yourself, nothing, not even death can keep those four bound for long. You're scared, aren't you? Scared of what they are capable of..." They hissed just under their breath, looming over the older's shoulder like a shadow.

He grit his teeth, refusing to look his brother in the eye. "You have no idea..." he began, his voice shaking not with rage... instead with something almost like grief. 

"Has that girl of yours finally gotten to you?" The second continued, their smirk laced with malice and their eyes narrowed. "Finally broken into that steely, noble heart of yours? I would never have thought... even after everything she had done... and what I had done through her... you know of course what goes on in her head—?" 

"SILENCE!" He roared, snapping as he grabbed hold of his brother's throat, holding them just above the ground that wasn't there so that their feet brushed against the void which they stood on. 

"You know I'm right." Hissed the other, their voice choked and strained. 

"What about yours?" The older spat. "You know the danger he poses."

"Oh, I'm aware." They snarled, tearing their brother's hand from their neck. "That's the one thing we agree on."

"She saw him. I know she did." The first began, his jaw clenched. "We mustn't let them meet. That would be the end to our worlds as we know it."

The second massaged their throat, their glare intensifying as their smile melted away. "I have my ways. Oh, but I thought you said they were dead? Come on, I want to hear the words from your lips..."

The first exhaled slowly. "You may... you may have the right idea..."

"Oh, how I've waited to hear that from you for centuries, brother." The second grinned, their face twisting in a horrifying excitement. 

"Do not even try." The first growled. "Be gone with you, demon."

"As you wish...I'll see you soon..."

"If Fate commands it, then yes."

And the shadow of the brother disappeared from the shapeless world, leaving the older alone.

Alone as always.

***Disclaimer, from now on, this series no longer follows a storyline set out by the creators of Empires SMP, and the plot is my own and entirely made up by me (with the occasional idea from my brother)***

The Majors, Rebuild and Reunite (Book 3)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat