Chapter 6

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Xander cursed to himself, peeling the sticky, stained fabric of his top away from his stinging skin underneath.

He was sitting on his bed next to a first-aid kit he had found hidden away in the back of a cupboard somewhere, nursing his injuries from the fight earlier. He had installed a lock on his door after what had happened with Jasper the other day, so that it wouldn't happen again. Emotions equalled weakness and therefore, they weren't to be shown in front of other people.

Xander looked down at his stinging rib, where the Villain had landed a lucky hit. A deep gash tore into his dark skin, which held a bright contrast with the red blood staining his shirt. His skin stung angrily in protest. Xander winced and hissed in pain as his antiseptic cotton swabs bit into the wound. He delicately wrapped a bandage around his ribs, being slow and gentle to try and reduce the fiery pain. The bandage was quite thin, so not to be noticeable under a shirt and for that Xander was thankful.

Releasing a sigh, Xander pulled on a clean shirt, and then he was done. Standing up, he walked slowly over to the door and unlocked it, before turning off the lights and leaving the room.

Jasper was busy on his computer, his small pink tongue poking out between his lips as he worked. A quiet melody spilled from his lips as his eyes darted across the computer screen. Hearing a sound from beside him he looked up, and jumped when he saw Xander standing close behind where he was sitting.

Jasper narrowed his eyes as he looked at Xander. Xander looked different somehow- paler, maybe?

"Xander, mate, you doin' okay? You look a bit pale?" He asked, noticing the way Xander seemed to avoid making eye contact as he replied.

"Yes. I'm fine."

Letting out a slightly sceptical hum as reply, Jasper turned back to his computer and continued with the furious typing. A smile found its way onto his face when he finally found what he had been looking for.

"Hey, Xander. Come look at this.  It's a masquerade ball, and, if I've calculated this right, the place of their next attack."

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