Chapter 3

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Xander's breath shook as he slammed the door shut behind him, and entered his bedroom. He'd had a really bad day. Xander always tried to act tough in front of other people, especially Jasper, but now that he was alone he could drop the mask.

The darkness of the room was a source of comfort, a blanket to Xander, and his shaky body collapsed onto the bed. He let everything that he kept hidden away, he let all of that out.

A sob escaped past his lips, then another, and another. Xander silently cursed himself for the moment of weakness, as more sobs escaped his sore throat. He sounded so pitiful, it was pathetic. Pathetic. That's what he was. Pathetic.


Xander looked up towards the bedroom door to see Jasper's small silhouette hiding nervously in the doorway. Jasper never thought the day would come for him to see Xander, strong, emotionless Xander, a sobbing mess.

"Please, don't... Don't turn on the light," Xander begged, his voice shaking. Jasper knew what he meant straight away. 

'Please, don't look at me.'

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