17 ☆

34 1 0

Lia freeman

It's been a few days since the deal I made with Luca if I can even call it that but that's not the point I've been avoiding him and Cammy now which is fucking hard by the way because Cammy is always everywhere and if Cammys there he's there and she has been following me around like a lost puppy and doesn't seem the get the hit that I don't want to talk to her

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door snapping me out of my thoughts I went to answer it and saw Camilla she looked at me with a 'I'm sorry face' I was about to ask what's going on but I couldn't since someone jumped on me

"The fuck" I said confused until I realized it was Cammy before I could say anything though

"listen Lia I know you don't wanna talk to me but I need to know why because you're my best friend and life without you is boring" she said as she was still laying on me

"Cammy I was gone for a whole fucking month and you didn't even think to message or call me I was at my lowest and I still am and you weren't there for me"

"Ohh I'm so sorry Lia I thought you just wanted space and wanted to be left alone I guess I gave you to much space I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you I'm a shitty friend"

"Yea you are" I say chuckling "hey" she says playfully slapping my arm

"Am I forgiven?" "Yea I guess you are" "yayyy" she says hugging me tight which I didn't mind because I missed her

"Uhh no that you to have figured out your stuff I was wondering if you could do me a huge favor"

"Yea sure what's up" "ok so me and Jason got into a huge fight and we're not on speaking terms, so I was wondering if I could stay here until he we figure things out"

"Yea of course you can stay here it gets pretty lonely and scary being here alone"

"Lia freeman being scared" Cammy chuckled "shut up"

"Thank you so much Lia,uhh when can I move in?" "When ever you want" "does tomorrow sound good?" "Yea the sooner the better"

"OK I'll come around 09:00 to bring my thing's"

I was walking to my art teachers class because she called me about some assignment

As I walked in the class it was empty I walked up to her desk but the chair was facing the other way around so it's back was facing me

"Uhh miss you called me about an assignment?" I asked myself more than her

Then the chair turned around and my eyes widened that was not my teacher it was fucking Luca what is he doing

He got off the chair and started taking slow steps towards me


With every step he took I told one back until my back hit the wall and I stayed there frozen I couldn't move


He kept on coming closer and closer until he right in front of me closing the small gap there was between us

Shit fuck Shit fuck

𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐧𝐨𝐰

"You've been avoiding me" he said I could smell he's minty breath

"I haven't I'm just busy the world doesn't revolve around you" I said sarcastically wich was a mistake because he pulled me impossibly close to he's body

"Oh yea and I'm the fucking Esther bunny" he said wich made me roll my eyes

Which also made him roll our hips together and if I wasn't turned on now I am that took me by surprise and I let out a quiet moan which made him smirk corky ass hole

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17 ⏰

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