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Lia freeman

When we got to the dining hall they were already getting ready to go to bed and after getting scolded by our coaches we had to eat quickly as soon as I finished I headed to my room because I was so freaking tired and just wanted to lay down and sleep and that's what I immediately did when I got to my room I didn't even bother taking off my clothes and just fell asleep

I was woken up violently again but this time it wasn't Luca I slowly peeled my eyes open only to find Camilla shaking me what is it with them waking up people like that "Lia,Lia,Liaaaaaaa" she said dragging the L "wake up dude we're gonna be late" "ok,ok I'm up" I said with a raspy voice " last for what exactly?" I asked confused "for practice dip shit in case you forgot we have practice at 8"
" oh shit I totally forgot" I shot up in a panic which caused me to get dizzy and lose my balance that and the fact that I have low blood sugar but she didn't need to know that she quickly helped me up and sat me on the bed "shit are you ok" "yea don't worry I'm ok just low blood sugar" "oh do your need me to get you anything?" "nah I'm fine don't sweat it" "are you sure?" she asked me frowning her brows "yea I'm ok" "ok" she said suspiciously

Ok enough about that I need to get ready before coach kills me before practice even started I quickly put on I black spandex shorts and a black tight crop top and my soccer boots

We practically sprinted to the field and I could feel my energy being drained from me coach seemed to notice it as well and asked if I was ok I wasn't but I wasn't gonna tell her that so I just have to suck it up practice is almost over I think

Our coaches seemed to hate us because when practice was over they said we should take 5 laps around the huge ass field which normally I couldn't give two shits about but I was dangerously close to fainting and it also didn't help that the sun was paying way to much attention to me just as I was lost in my thoughts the dick head had to bother me
"Looks like ur getting sloppy freeman" Luca said with a stupid smirk on he's face" "I'm not sloppy I'm uninterested" "well from the looks of it,it doesn't seem so" just to shut him up I quickened my pace which he seemed to annoyingly match "tell you what if you can beat me to the finish I'll leave you alone" "deal" without thinking I said so even though I knew I couldn't and would most probably die of the heat but I couldn't not say yes because then it would look like I was scared and I'm never scared

We started and like the idiot he is he sprinted I kept my pace because I knew he would get tired eventually and slow down and before he knew it I was in the lead and close to finishing but I couldn't breathe it felt like my lungs were on fire and they were closing before I knew it I felt weaker then I ever felt and just collapsed struggling to keep my eyes open I heard foot steps coming closer to me it was Luca I thought he was going to help me but he just looked at me with a clod emotionless looked and continued that ass hole I tried to get up walking but I tripped and landing on a sharp object that cut my lower abdomen and my upper body I was to weak to feel the pain and before I knew it, it was black

I woke up in a hospital with the worst headache known to man kind and there was all kinds of wires that was in me and the bright light wasn't helping my headache and that's when I saw coach and Camilla sitting beside me "how long have I been out?" I asked confused "four days" my coach said "what your fucking joking right that means I missed the whole week of training and this trip" I said getting up and wanting to get out of bed but Camilla pushed me back "why didn't you tell me your blood sugar was low you could have died if it wasn't for Liam who found you" "it wasn't important" "Lia you fainted because of exhaustion and low blood sugar that is very fucking important "ok ok look I'm sorry I just didn't want to let my dad and you down" wow that was my first time opening up to anyone except Mason and they knew it that's why they were so shocked "Lia you will never disappoint me if anything you always make me proud your the most hard working and stubborn person I know" she said which made me smile

I was soon discharged from the hospital which made me feel kinda better at the fact that I basically missed the whole trip and at the fact when coach called my parents to tell them that I was in the hospital my father just said I should just walk it off which is what I'm doing I know my mother wanted to see me she was just to soft to speak up against my dad which it was always like that that's why I was kinda rebellious in high school it was nothing to big though just got arrested a few times for illegal substances and shoplifting ok maybe that is a lot but what can you say Mason was always the favorite and got what he wanted sure we're really close but he will never understand what I feel and went through don't get me wrong I don't resent him or anything like that it wasn't he's fault our father was sexist the only time when I started to get attention is when I started soccer which made me determined to make my father love me I know that sounds so cheesey and quite frankly I don't give a shit

I got to my room to find Camilla and Jason there I totally forgot that they were dating "oh hey" she said while getting up to hug me which made me tense up because I don't like people touching me and I think she remembered that and quickly pulled away "sorry" she said with a worried face "it's ok don't sweat it" I said smiling "uhhh do you know where Liams room is I wanna thank him for helping me" I said "yea sure it's just down the hall" "ok thanks" I said going into my room to take a quick shower and cleaned my cut thankfully it wasn't a deep cut but it still hurt like a bitch I put on my pjs which was a short shorts with a matching top with cute small cherries on they were pretty short but I wasn't gonna say out for long just say thanks and head back to my room

I got to my room to find Camilla and Jason there I totally forgot that they were dating "oh hey" she said while getting up to hug me which made me tense up because I don't like people touching me and I think she remembered that and quickly pulled ...

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(Lia's outfit)

By the time I got out Camilla and Jason were gone so I quickly just brush through my hair letting it curl on it's own and left I knocked on the door for it to be opened by a tall muscular figure and when I looked up it was fucking Luca I haven't thought of him since he basically left me to die and I was fucking pissed I mean I know we hate each other but I would never do some fucked up shit like that "where's Liam" I asked gritting my teeth "oh your still alive" he said rolling he's eye's "where the fuck is Liam" I said with venom in my voice "don't tell me your still not over the fact that I left you get over it" "get over it I almost fucking died" "yea but you didn't so stop being a whiney little bitch about it" "yea I barely and now thanks to you I have a another scar you fucking dip shit no wonder your mother left you" "what the fuck did you just say" he said stepping closer to me I knew I crossed the line before I knew it he pinned me to the wall choking me "don't ever fucking speak about my mother like that" he said as he tightened he's grip around my neck and when he saw that I wasn't responding he let go " you choke like a pussy" "yea you mean your pussy" that fucking pissed me off I slapped him hard but he didn't even seem faced about it he just clenched he's jaw and looked at me dead in the eyes "I FUCKING HATE YOU" we said in sync

We just looked at each other and I felt the sexual tension rising and if I stayed their any longer I would do something I might regret later so I just left a throbbing feeling in between my legs wanting to be easied I got to my room and stood by the door for five minutes until I heard a knock it was Luca before I could say anything he kissed hard and passionate the kiss was hungry both of us wanting more I pulled away and just looked at him and kissed him again hard

What do you guys think about this chapter I kinda rushed this and I'm also thinking when I'm done with this story I wanna write a dark romance book which do you think

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