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Lia Freeman

It's been 2 weeks

2 Weeks since I got back and it's been fun I guess but I still can't stop thinking about you know who and it doesn't help that I don't have anyone to tell this to because I'm also not talking to Cammy but she's tried talking to me a bunch of times I'm starting to think she doesn't get the hit

And the eye contact with Luca is driving me insane I just need to get away from him wich is fucking impossible but it needs to happen I don't know how anyway enough of that lately I've been feeling more motivated to get my gym grade up because I absolutely suck at gym I know ironic because I'm a soccer player and basically gym

Which is why I'm on my way to ask my gym teacher is there's anyway I could boost up my grade

After a boring hour of him explaining there is a way Which is boxing but I will
need a coach for that which I'm ok with

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