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Lia freeman

After practice coach called a meeting with all the soccer girls and boys we were sat and both of the coaches said that we'll be going on a one week tour for learning new skills teaching "we'll leave in two days everything is sorted and paid for "my coach said no fucking way a week without school sounds amazing but a week where I have to tolerate Luca is fucking torture but I guess I'll have to suck it up at least I'll be with Jason and Camilla. Camilla is Lucas sister not a lot of people know that I think she wants to keep it like that I mean would I also if my brother was a suck up prik before you say anything she's nothing alike her stupidly hot brother like their completely different people he's an ass hole she's the funniest person on the earth after Cammy of course he's an up tight jerk and she's a care free person there's so much more but I'm to lazy to mention them after coach gave us the information we went to pack up and leave I was about to help the goalie with her kit coach called me said it was something to do with captain stuff I hope I wasn't in trouble I thought to myself as I made my way to her I noticed Luca and he's coach were also there"mmm" I hummed suspiciously

"What's up coach" I asked as I got there wanting this to be over soon I got some shit do to you know without wasting anytime she got to the point " look Lia I think it's pretty obvious you and Luca don't like each other" she said
dam I really didn't think she would be that straight forward about it
"No shit herlock" I responded sarcastically she just gave me her signature grin and continued "well you two need to get over your shit or at least try tolerate each other because you two are the captains and need to lead and set an example for your teammates and we'll be needing you two to help" he's coach said sternly "so you two are basically testing our ability to caption" Luca asked rasing he's eyebrow "to make a long story short they are " I replied nonchalantly "yes and we just don't want to hear to two insult each the whole week it's bad enough that we hear it on the field" coach said I gasped holding my hand to my heart pretending to be hurt which just earned a grin from her "so please for the love of all things good and our sanity please just try" he's coach said sarcastically we nodded our heads and left not saying a word to each which kind of disappoint me I was looking forward to hearing he's deep voice wait did I just say that eww snap out of it Lia

The two days passed by and before I knew it I was heading to the bus with Camilla, I was wearing grey sweatpants and a white tank top that was cropped and Camilla was wearing some shorts and a hoodie which seemed to be big on her almost as if it was a men's hoodie
we were deep in conversation went she spotted the devils spwan she practically dragged me to him and he's stupid friend couldn't she just say "hi" in the bus or something " Hey bro" she greeted him to which he responded by hugging her why do I kinda wish that was me
stop I really need to get a hold of myself then he turned he's attention on me and started to smirk "Hey freeman how's the wrist doing " he asked now that just pissed me the fuck off when we were still in high school Luca fractured my wrist causing internal damage to my nerve and he knew that before I could say anything Camilla elbowed him in the rids which didn't seem to bother him I put on the most fakest smile " ohh you know same old same old how's the balls" I asked smirking he's jaw clenched and he's hands were now forming fists before he fire anything back we had to get on the bus but I could feel he's burning gaze

If he starred any longer I'd have holes in my back I tried to ignore it but I couldn't and gave in and looked at him straight in the eye and noticing that he has one of the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen I couldn't help but notice he's eyes going down my body and stopping at my chest " are you gonna stop eye fucking me or what" I said as I folded my arms making him look at my chest again and I looked down seeing that it made my chest pop out I immediately unfold my arms and scolded him " can you stop staring like a fucking perverted you remind me of my uncle Mike" I said nonchalantly which made him smile at my response " oh mi amor don't flatter yourself I wasn't starting at your chest I was only observing your hardened nipals " he said whispering in my ear which made a throbbing feeling in my legs "do I make you wet?" "no" I scoffed finally able to speak " so tell me if I stick my finger in that tight little pussy of yours you'll be dry hmm" saying that I slightly gasped when I felt he's finger strace my inner thigh before I could say anything I heard someone clear their throat which snapped me out of my trance it was coach looking at us and the whole team as well I felt a burning in my cheeks as I realized how close me and Luca were I
Immediately stepped back and I felt so embarrassed and he just smirked he fucking smirked ass hole I just sat down to avoid being even more embarrassing

The bus drive was quite but not an uncomfortable silence. I think I must have fell asleep because I was violently shaken awake I slowly started to peel my eyes open to find a face starring at me I jolted up and before I realized anything I punched the face away in a panic "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" the person groaned in pain I tried to adjust my vision but it took some time when I realized that I punched Luca the guilt went away as quickly as it came "why the fuck did you wake me up you idiot" "oh just to make sure you're ok why the fuck do you think I woke you up" I was about to answer back to he's sarcastic response

When I realized that the bus wasn't moving and put two and two together but I wasn't gonna tell him that I just got up still really sleepy and walked out not wanting to talk to anyone but Jason didn't get the memo and put he's around my shoulders normally I wouldn't mind but I really wasn't in the mood I mounted I 'help me' to Camilla and thankfully she came to help me " uhhh hey Jason could I talk to Lia real quick" she asked " yea sure " he said reluctantly "thank you sooo much " I said dragging the 's' while hugging her "It's no problem anyone with a brain could see that you were about to punch him" " wait really?" I asked confused " yep you kind of have to face that's says your emotions and that one was your ' you better get the fuck off me or I'll brake your bones face" I chuckled at that ad we made our way to the hotel
What do you think about this chapter personally I don't like it but that's probably because I wrote this chapter at 2am

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