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Luca Deiz

Fuck I can't take this anymore she's all I think about and it's driving me fucking insane I need a distraction

As I got to the boxing ring I started to punch and punch not stopping until my hands started to bleed and I sat down trying to stop the bleeding that's when Alex came in we haven't talked much since I found out he's dating Lia's best friend honestly it doesn't really bother me just wish he told me "uhh dude you're bleeding a lot" he says "no shit Sherlock" he just grins and starts to help me we sit in silence until he says something "look I'm sorry for not telling you we weren't sure how you guys would react" "it's ok i get it don't sweat it" "ok" he says

After he bandaged my hands he asked me something "so what's up with you, you only come here if you need to blow off some steam or need a distraction and from what I'm seeing you came here to do both" I wasn't planning on telling him about how I feel about Lia because I don't even know myself right now when he sees I'm not answering him he sighs "look Luca I know you don't like talking about these type of things but I'm your best friend you can trust me" ok it's now or never "ok look me and Lia may or may not have kissed and lately I've been feeling all kinds of things towards her and I can't get her out of my mind it's like she's tattooed herself in there and it's fucking annoying"

After my whole rant about what I'm feeling he just barst out laughing ass hole "wow Luca Deiz finally admits to liking the girl that he supposedly hates" "I never said that I like her and I do hate her" "Luca it's painfully obvious that both of you like each other" wait both does she like me back WHAT NO I DON'T LIKE HER I THINK "I don't like her it's just she does these things to me that makes me feel stuff I've never felt before" "dam you got it down bad for her" "ughh can you just help me please" "ok,ok fine since you finally admit that you like her" "I don't" I say cutting him off "why don't you just tell her" "and what do you think her reaction will be?" "well what do you want it to be?" that question caught me off guard what do I want it to be "I don't know " "I think we both know your just to stubborn to realize it" and with that he walked off

After my little talk with Alex I got to class and actually focused to get my mind of things

After my little talk with Alex I got to class and actually focused to get my mind of things

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I stood outside Camillas door trying to muster up the courage to knock. After practice I had a little talk with Mason as I told him what happened between me and Cammy he he said I should try and put myself in her shoes which wasn't very hard and try to understand why she didn't tell me and I thought about it long and hard and I'm going to apologize I know very mature of me

Before I could knock, the door flew open, reveling a half dressed Alex and a flushed Cammy. I quickly covered my eyes, not wanting to be flashed by any of them "uhh could I talk to Cammy real quick" I say still covering my eyes "yea sure I'll go" Alex says before leaving "Lia you can open your eyes now" "you sure I don't wanna be traumatized" "you bitch" she says while throwing me with a pillow "oww that hurt" "well you deserved it" "yea I do and I'm sorry I guess I was just hurt and also jealous that I have to share my best friend now" I say chuckling at the last part "it ok I get it and you'll never have to worry about me forgetting you because I will never" "thanks and next time you and Alex decide to have sex put a hat on the door I don't wanna be traumatized" "we will don't worry"


After my talk with Cammy I headed to my locker only to find Liam there he was leaning against it and as soon as I got there he's face lit up "hey what are you doing here" "well I wanted to see if you wanted to go to the acade with me"
he gave me a shy smile "I'd love to" I say smiling "great I'll text you the details it's tomorrow" "ok" honestly I'm just going with him to distract myself from Luca I know I might seem like a bad person for that but I couldn't give to fucks

The rest of the day passed and I was getting ready for the acade with Liam as I got out of the shower I got dressed in a floral dress and some white air forces and did my normal makeup routine, concealer,mascara and clear lip gloss and highlighter and a little bit of blush

The rest of the day passed and I was getting ready for the acade with Liam as I got out of the shower I got dressed in a floral dress and some white air forces and did my normal makeup routine, concealer,mascara and clear lip gloss and highlighter...

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(Lia's outfit)

(Lia's outfit)

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(Lia's makeup)

And I put my hair in a ponytail leaving to strands of in my face and headed out I waited for about 5 minutes for him to pick me up as soon as he came I got in and he complained me we talked about some stuff before we fell in an uncomfortable silence why did I even come I thought to myself
I ignore my intrusive thoughts as we pull up into to drive way and I immediately see Luca standing with Alex I mentally curse myself for agreeing to this as we got out and I immediately made eye contact with him but I broke it though and walked in

As soon as I walked in Liam followed "hey why did you walk in so fast?" "uhh just wanted to come in already" I say looking at Luca how entered soon after Liam

The time there was agonizingly long and I felt eyes on me the whole time I knew who it was and didn't dare to look finally it was over and I headed home to relax


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