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Luca Deiz

The game was almost over and we were in a tie with the other team my team mate had the ball and they started to tackle him and he passed the ball to me and from the corner of my eye I could see a player coming for me I quickened my pace and when I got close to the goal post I scored and everyone got up and started screaming and jumping my team mates picked me up and carried me around the field and that's when I made eye contact with her I gave her a smirk and she just rolled her eyes "fucking ass hole" I muttered under my breath while I was talking to one of my friends I saw her kissing FUCKING Jason I swear I wanted to beat the living shit out of him and if u ask me why I wouldn't have a FUCKING answer

Before I did something I might regret later I went to to locker rooms and out of anger and frustration and punched the lockers and started kicking it until my hands were bleeding I didn't feel the pain though that's when Alex came in my best friend "what the fuck did you do dude" he yelled
"Si alguna vez vuelvo a ver a ese cabrón, deseará no haber salido nunca de la puta vagina de su madre" I said in Spanish "I don't know what the fuck u just said but it didn't sound good" he said smirking "it isn't" I said annoyingly

"What's with the attitude are u on your period or something" he said in a playful tone
"Yea I am actually but instead of blood coming out a Virginia it comes out my dick" I said as I fake smiled at him
"No way does that mean you can get pregnant ?" I just looked at him wondering how on earth did he make it this far in life and how this idiot is my best friend

I was lost in thought when Alex asked me "but on a serious note what happened for you to go all super saiyan on the locker room"he asked "nothing" I said in a clod tone "are u sure it doesn't have something to do with a Certain curly head that was kissing Jason and that happens to be overly sarcastic? and your enemy" he asked already knowing the answer

"No it's not now let's get out of here and get my hands bandaged up before I bleed out" I said we walked out and he took me to the nurse and got me bandaged up and went to our dorms

"Hey are u going to that party tonight?" Alex asked me with a bored expression
"Don't know yet in case you forgot I'm trying to avoid Amy" "oh yea I totally forgot that she existed wait isn't she with that guy from math class no wait she's with Jerry from art class" "dam she's with the whole school" "and the fact that you let that touch your lips and your body I feel so dirty being with you right now" he said dramatically I throw him with my pillow and he gasped dramatically making me laugh

Then we heard a loud crash in the hallway and we just looked at each other waiting for the other to say something as I was about to say something I heard I girl screaming and with that me and Alex jumped off the bed and partially sprinted to the door Alex tripping over some furniture making me snicker at him before reaching the door nob Alex jumped on my back and I screamed at him to get off my back

"Don't just open the door without a weapon" he said trying to fight he on my back
"WHAT THE FUCK ARE U TALKING ABOUT" I yelled still trying to pull him off my back and he bit my fingers and with that fell on the floor he's body braking my fall he groaned " it could be a distraction for a serial killer to come in and kill us" he said groaning "stop being fucking stupid Alex there's no serial killer" I said "how do you know Sherlock homes" he said in a mocking tone "because I just know" saying that I opened the door only to find a girl half naked running around the hallway with a another girl behind her screaming and chasing them both was our friend Mike also half naked

Before we could say anything the half naked girl ran in our dorm and jumped one me and Alex making us fall at the sudden impact and right after Mike came running in and hide behind our couch" WHERE THE FUCK IS HE" the that was chasing both of them came in with the other girl still on me trying to see what's going on I look over at Alex who's just looking at the girls breasts as they were in he's face
Fucking idiot I got up took Mike from behind the couch

"OK what the actual fuck is going on why are you chasing Mike and why is there a half naked girl laying on top of Alex" I yelled "THIS NO GOOD COCK SUCKIN MOTHER FUCKER,FUCKING CHEATED ON ME WITH THIS SLUT AND STILL HAD THE FUCKING ODESITY TO LIE TO ME SAYING THAT HE HAD TO TAKE CARE OF HE'S SICK GRANDMA HE DOESN'T EVEN I HAVE A FUCKING GRANDMOTHER" she said yelling at that point Alex was laughing uncontrollably and I tried my fucking best to keep it in as she gave us a 'don't fucking laugh look'

The half naked girl screamed back saying as I quote "I'm not the fucking slut you hoe bag u couldn't give him head as I do that's why he fucking cheated on you" and with that she gave her a slap I'm sure her ancestors could feel and she started to cry all while Mike was trying to sneak out before he could I tackled him so he could fix the shit he created and get the fuck out and with that I kicked them out and I signed a relief

What are your thoughts on Alex and also I'm going to try and upload as many chapters as possible because it's holidays and I have a lot of spare time to write

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