27 (S1 Finale)

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Sasha's POV:

We had taken Marcy out of the tub and put her to bed

Just so you know she has woken up!

That was 3 days ago and she remained asleep 2 days after we finished the battle

Me and Anne started spending a bit more quality time together, we had more talks and decided about our relationship status once Marcy is better

Work has been normal and I've been going to my Therapist lately, I've been doing better but not well enough to be cleared to continue work in the office

Now tho I think I'll be starting at Home work from now on.

Anne has been working lately but she's still made time for me and Marcy

Tonight is the night that we have the talk with her. We've planned an evening of just the three of us and as we get back to the apartment, we'll sit Marcy down and talk to her about our relationship

Marcy's POV:

Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick. Oh Frick.


I mean I'm having so much Fun!! And I can't keep my feelings in check but...what if I'm reading it wrong??? What if I'm just delusional and that they actually don't like me, that they faked the whole being ok with me kidding BOTH of them



Anne took us to a cute little French restaurant and I loved it, I can't believe I went out to eat with my two girl-.....er....My girlfriend and ..crush??...


We walked along the beach and watched the sun set, we grabbed ice cream afterwards and drove back to the apartment..

Now we're all changed and they're asking to talk to me???? What's going on????

They seem serious and I'm nervous. Ever since the battle my emotions have been more clearer and lighter, bubbly even but this?! I hate being scared of a conversation!!

"Marcy... you're not in trouble, haha uh we just want to talk to you about something really important that the both of us want you to be apart of..."


They both looked at each other and breathed deeply and tried to get each other to tell me but went back and forth about it.

Anne sighed and clasped out hands together looking at me in the eyes

"Ugh...um, Well you remember...how we were in your mind and we went through your memories and you kissed us both and I sorta confessed my feelings for you and yeah???"

Anne had a nervous look asking the question hoping I'd get my answer out


"Well-....me and Sasha, well.....we both....we both really like you, obviously you know about Sasha's feeling for you but you don't know about mine..."

I sat quietly listening to her explain her feelings and telling me how she's always had a crush on the both of us since we were kids but steppe dout of the way so me and her could be happy

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