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Anne's POV:

"Pleeeeeeeaase???? We never get to go together and I wanna go with you this time, I'm always there my myseeeelf"

I can't believe about how big of a baby she is, I sighed and rolled my eyes finally agreeing and Sasha got up off her knees and did a lil happy dance

"But I'm not going with you looking like a 70 year old grandma."

She looked at me stunned and offended and I couldn't help but laugh

"Excuse me. It's called 'Dress Code' and this skirt was a gift from MY grandma and I couldn't NOt wear it, trust me I would wear something self but I love my grandma so."

I laughed as she headed to her place to change out of the "grandma" clothes, she surprisingly unsurprisingly gets comments about it alot

She was in the bathroom and I sat on her bed waiting for her to get done and I accidentally knocked her book off her night stand

Something flew out of it and landed face back on the floor, I picked it up and flipped it and it surprised me that she still had this

It was a photo of me, Sash and Marcy, an old old friend of ours, well at least we were friends, we lost contact with her when she moved to another state after Amphibia

She was the one who got us stuck in amphibia and also got possessed and used by the core...oh and she also died but apparently brought back to life, heck I died and got brought back

Technically I'm a copy of my old body but I'm still the same Anne, just in a new shell of a body

"Hey you ready- oh hey I kinda forgot bout that, I found it in an old journal I had in highschool"

I felt a deep feeling of sadness, when we lost contact after she moved, we tried finding her, we tried calling, her Socail media which was deleted, her parents, we just lost her

We figured it was cause of stress and long distance wasn't always strong but she never tried to get back in touch with us, After a while we slowly stopped trying

She's probably better off without remembering her trauma, After all she went through a heck alot more than us, emotionally and Mentally

I don't blame her. I blame Andreas, His stupid dream and his father's stupid dream and the stupid core.

"Hey. You ok? You look like you wanna kill someone..."

I snapped out of it when I heard Sasha's voice, She looked really worried and honestly I'm glad we went to Amphibia, we helped the people there and changed the fate of their lives as well as changed our lives

Sasha's a good friend now and she's changed, we all have, sometimes for the better and some not, us it's for the better cause now we're not in a toxic relationship anymore and it's thanks for Amphibia

"Yeah I'm fine...I just miss her you know? It's been so long it makes you wonder what happened.."

"Yeah....but we can't ponder in the past cause the past will keep you from the future, it's selfish as can be really, anyways she's probably doing well where ever she is. Now let's go"

We left the house and I put the photo back but before I did I snapped a pic so I could have one of my own, I lost mine while in amphibia and it's only her and maybe Marcy who has theirs


Marcy's POV:

"Now you better not back out on me.."

Man this guy is annoying, he randomly comes up and asks of I can duet with him after the past 3 nights I've performed and wouldn't stop asking

I finally said yes after he put in a good price, playing the guitar and singing a bit for about 5 minutes for 700 dollars, shit that's easy money

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