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Sasha's POV:

  I walked around getting the last bit of groceries that I needed and headed to the check out, I got in line behind a woman and a sweet looking person who I'm guessing is her mom

"Vaya, esta fila es lenta y larga, el tráfico en Los Ángeles es una locura, no esperaba llegar tarde, ¡pero este lugar está ocupado!"

"Sí mamá hehe, nos dijo que tuviéramos cuidado cada vez que la visitáramos y que planeáramos con anticipación, afortunadamente perdimos, ¿crees que apreciará que la sorprendamos con esta visita?"

They continued to talk and the line moved forward, As they started putting things in the conveyer belt, a can dropped from the mom's hand and rolled over towards me

I picked it up and handed it to her which she smiled and thanked me

"Thank you young lady, so kind"

"It was no problem ma'am, Do you need any help with those??"

They both looked at each other and sorta smiled

"That's be very appreciated thank you so much! Please"

I laughed and moved to help them unload and reload the groceries in and out of their cart, there wasn't a whole lot but a pretty good bunch

After getting done with theirs I got to do mine which they stayed behind and helped me with, once we  got done with our groceries we walked out together

We made small talk and stuff but I noticed the girl glance and my scar on my cheek

"Hey, I mean no offense by saying this but that's a cool scar on your cheek"

"Haha no offense taken, same here tho, you have a cool looking scar as well, and on your eyebrow too wow"

She laughed and I chuckled, we went our separate ways but as I got done with loading mine up they rolled over to me and rolled the windows down

"Thank you again for helping, we're not from here and all the way from Connecticut so we didn't exactly plan on how packed the store were, also, do you know a good restaurant around -- street?? Anywhere near there would be good"

I returned the favor and told them about traffic, explaining some things about LA and then mentioned the Pub

"Yeah it's a few blocks away from the street actually and if you go in by 5 and if you have a big party with you then you'd be able to score a good table, there's also entertainment that starts around that time, my partner actually preforms there so hopefully we'd see you tonight, that is if I'm able to convince her to go tonight"

"Thank you Mijah we really appreciate it, that sounds so nice and hopefully we see you two there, thank you alot again!"

We said bye and they drove off, they were pretty good people and the mom was so sweet, I wish every mom was like her

Driving home was torture but after getting home and putting away groceries I was bored. It's the weekend and tho I usually don't get those off, I'm not scheduled for anything today

Maybe I should how and surprise Marcy....Anne is busy and probably has her phone off, She said she's going through inspection for the entire aquarium and today it's her sections turn

She's been busy helping everyone prepare and then helped some people file and write out documents making sure they're up to date

I'm left to myself so that means I can go bug Marcy

I quickly took a shower then changed into some black pants, a black turtle neck, a white dress coat crop and wore a silver chain, with a black belt and rings, I brushed my hair back and started towards Marcy's

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