1 - Souls

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1 - Souls

Michael and Julie were completely and utterly in love with each other. They have been for the past three years.

They met each other at a mutual friend's birthday party and hit it off from there, deciding to give each other their numbers. This led to texting, to calling, to going out, and to eventually becoming exclusive. Their friends and family instantly saw their spark and connection, knowing they would make it together.

They were like the couples you see in the movies; they were always there for each other and weren't afraid to admit their love for each other. Of course nothing is perfect and they had their usual couple quarrels, but they always figured it out together. Always.

Their love was intoxicating. Their love was so strong that it seemed to sink into other souls, even the darkest and most demented of ones.

Even walking down the street and past the couple as a stranger, you could feel their love. Such a beautiful, warm, and pure couple full of innocent love and compassion. Such pure opposites from three men of the city that contained so much darkness that it sunk into other souls themselves.

Luke, Ashton, and Calum have always pushed and fought to be the most powerful men of the city together. They've done everything they've had to do to take their rightful places on the criminal throne.

Their actions of torture, kidnapping, murder, and so much more have darkened their souls. They've seen and experienced the worst that the world has to offer. But they haven't experienced the best the world has to offer... yet.

The three men were walking down the darkening streets of downtown LA. The sun was still out, but it was starting to set. Time to begin another night of business and crime.

"Chris will be waiting for us there. He wants to go over the territory agreement." One of their men said from behind the three out of respect and out of the customs the three have made.

Everything in this world worked upon power and respect. Their reputation was everything; it's what made others both fear and desire them.

"I'm getting quite sick of these constant meetings with him. He acts all tough calling us for a meeting to go over agreements, we agree on terms on both sides in person easily since he's a pussy, and then a month later he'll call us again requiring a meeting, wasting our fucking time." Ashton said annoyed, lighting a cigarette.

"Do you want us to take care of it, boss?" Another one of their men that was walking behind them asked.

The three weren't scared of or threatened by Chris, so they only brought two of their men with them for their little meeting. Just to throw it in little Chris' face: he was nothing to them. 

"No. Not yet." Calum hummed out, allowing his men to step in front of him to open the door to the fancy, exclusive restaurant they were meeting Chris at, "I want to see how far he thinks he can push us first."

"Calum's out testing the street's fear of us." Luke grinned in amusement.

"More like trying to ensure the streets still respect and fear us like they should. And if Chris proves not to then we'll just have to make an example out of him. Now won't we?" Calum took his turn to grin out in amusement.

"Calum, Ashton, Luke." Chris stood up from his seat, fixing his crooked tie, "Thank you for meeting me tonight."

"Chris." Ashton nodded, instantly getting into business, "This is the third month in a row you've called for a meeting regarding the territory agreement. What is it this time?" 

"Oh yes, um, well you see..." Chris' usual nervous expression appeared on his face once he was actually faced with the three men while in person. He liked to pretend big boss man over the phone, but he was too intimidated in person.

"We want more. We want the South side."

"And why is that? You can't even control your territory you already have?" Calum asked calmly, even though he was burning from within.

He was wasting their time. They should be out dealing with real business and not with a poser like Chris.

"It would bring in more profit for me."

"It would bring in more profit for you?" Luke scoffed, "In that case what would it bring in for us? A percentage of your earnings?"

"No." Chris shook his head, "Your donation would mean that you'd have my full support?"

"Donation?" Luke deadpanned.

"Your full support?" Ashton deadpanned as well.

The three professional men could not believe their ears. That someone so unprofessional, intimidated, and weak had the nerve to speak to them about this 'business' agreement.

"Chris, I will give you this one warning now and you won't have the opportunity to hear it again. Stop wasting our goddamn fucking time or we will fucking put a bullet in your—" Ashton suddenly stopped angrily speaking when he saw a couple walking from the end of the restaurant and more towards the front where they were.

The two had such an...energy surrounding them while they walked together with bright smiles and eyes full of love for each other.

Luke and Calum peered at Ashton in confusion, following the man's eyesight to see exactly who he was looking at. They instantly felt the same energy as Ashton, feeling some kind of pull they've never felt before.

The man was wearing a black buttoned down shirt, black skinny jeans, and doc martens. The woman was wearing an emerald dress just short enough to give a glint of her pale, thick thighs and her few scattered leg tattoos.

The three were smart men and they've learned how to read other's body language from everyday situations to torture sessions. The woman had a small blush on her face as she continued walking through the restaurant. The man had an excited glint to his shining eyes as they held hands after eating dinner together. They were both dressed to impress like one would at this kind of restaurant.

They didn't fit into this atmosphere. They were out having a romantic night to treat themselves and to have a good time different from what they usually do.

"Chris, leave." Calum ordered swiftly, not letting his eyes leave the couple especially as they kept getting closer and closer to where they were.

"What? I—"

"Leave. Now. Or our men will take you out themselves and will leave you to rot in the alleyway after they beat you to death." Luke was completely over this pathetic man.

Chris seemed to finally understand, since he quietly and quickly got out of his seat and left the restaurant.

"I want them." Ashton said as soon as Chris left.

"Who are they?" Luke asked.

"I've never seen them around before." Calum hummed out, letting his darkening eyes scan over both the woman's and the man's bodies.

"Jesus fuck." Luke groaned out once the two passed their table. He could smell the perfect blend of her perfume and his cologne.

"Let's go." Ashton nodded at the two with every intent to follow the couple to wherever their destination would be.


What do you think of Luke, Calum, and Ashton? 🤪

How about Chris? 🤨


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