"I Love You"

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She said that to me
She says it to me every time I leave
She has become a mother to me
The person I turn to for guidance
Because when she says those words
A light fills my heart
Warmth overtakes my soul
That soul that is usually cold and brittle
Beaten and broken
And barely hanging on
But those words in cohesion with her arms around me
Embracing me like her own child
Spreading her wings around me
Refusing to let go
This all makes it real
She means it
I know she would never truly stop loving me
Even if I make mistakes
She has seen me at my lowest and those words still rang true
Even as she held my sobbing body in her arms
As the life drained out of me in fiery tears that burned my face
She loved me then
She loves me now
Even when I habitually put up a wall for fear of hurting her
She loves me
She holds me accountable
She guides me
She sees the scars on my body and on my soul
And she sees them as beautiful
As crucial parts of me
She sees new scars and perhaps new cuts catch her eye
But she still loves me
She encourages me to keep going
And that has saved me more times that I can count on one hand
Those words
"I love you"
I don't know why she loves me
I don't think it is wise to do so
But she does
And I wish I could live up to be a person that she can be proud of
A person that heals
And thrives
But I wince when I look at my possible future
Because I see more pain
More mistakes
More scars and cuts
I wish I could be the amazing person that she sees
When she looks me in the eyes and says
"I love you"

(Dedicated someone who has impacted me greatly. Thank you, Michelle.)

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