Dear (Mentor)

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I am really really sorry that you are concerned for me. To be fair, I am also concerned for myself, but the difference is I don't care. I have other things to do. People to please and expectations to meet. I didn't mean to put up such a wall, but please understand that I did it for your sake. You are dealing with enough. I don't need to be on that list of worries. I'm fine. Or I will probably, hopefully, maybe be fine. Again I'm not going anywhere. I have to graduate. Can't be the disappointment anymore than I already am. Sorry for worrying you. The comments and jokes are coping I suppose. I will try to make them less. I'm also very sorry for being so loud all the time. I know my general wellbeing and life at the moment is concerning to you. Do I need to talk to you? Yes. Am I scared to unearth what is happening? Also yes. Do I know how to go about it without just word vomiting at you? No. I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do. Things are only getting worse. It's whatever though. I'll be fine.

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