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I have always wondered what the inner monologue of others sounded like
I know how mine sounds
It is not pretty at all
Perhaps others have nice music or a soothing voice in their head
I have television static and distant screams in mine
There is not a single moment of silence to be found within me
Not a moment where my mind can rest
I can't even find a second of rest between exhales
I also see pictures in my head
They aren't artful or profound
They are complex and terrifying
I see every worst case scenario
I experience every intrusive thought via a movie in my mind
I see and hear what is going on inside my head
And I am reminded that I may be a horrible person because of it
Others think I am a good person
But they don't know what I think
They don't know the things that plague my mind
Everything in my head
The static
The screams
The pictures
Meshes together and all I can think about is the noise
It's all noise
Nothing bright
Nothing happy
Just noise
Suffocating every thought
Grasping my throat and heart and squeezing
Until I hope everything goes black
Then white
But it doesn't happen that way
I am plagued, then to live
To live with the feeling of suffocation and pain
And that is much worse than death
At least in death
The noise will be gone

What Life IsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz