Would You Have Been There Still?

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You have been sticking around me
Telling me that I am not too broken
That I am a good person
With a good soul
But I wonder
If you had seen everything that I was
Everything that happened
Would you have been there for me still?
I wouldn't have
I would have said that I was beyond repair
That my life was far too much of a tragic story to be told
But you claim that you see me
You see my hurt
And it is not too much
But you didn't see me back then
No one did
No one saw how much pain I was in
Not one person cared
If you saw all of this
If you truly saw me in the light of everything that happened to me and that happens still
Would you remain?
Would you continue to root for me?
Would you have been there still?

What Life IsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora